Boone Meadow Community Update
Wednesday - April 8, 2020
Welcome Back, Boone Meadow Community -
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the time with your families during our extended Spring Break. In conversation with many families (physically distanced, of course) some have shared the simplicity of the time with family was beneficial, and others were energized by the return to school to help navigate the days. Wherever you are on that continuum, we are excited to connect with you again.
As a community, we are extremely grateful for our partnership with you during these peculiar times. We've heard from a significant number of you about what is going well with remote learning, and what is a challenge. Based on feedback, lengthy discussion and planning, we are re-calibrating some of the structure to E-Days in order to serve you and your children in improved ways.
One of the biggest transitions to e-learning for students is understanding that we are not attempting to replicate a 6-7 hour school day. You should see that lessons are compacted with a focus on prioritized skills. For the remainder of this school year, you will see an emphasis placed on literacy, math, and social/emotional learning. Work time centered on these essential skills should require anywhere from a little less than an hour (younger grades) to an hour and a half, or two (upper grades). For families in need of additional opportunities for learning, our staff will provide enriched experiences through related arts and other curricular experiences.
A few other items to note:
- School week: We are transitioning to a 4-day school week for students. Students will engage in learning experiences and opportunities Monday through Thursday. Teachers will work on Fridays to refine instructional design for the upcoming school week.
- At the elementary level: Monday/Tuesday: Heavy focus on literacy and math development. Wednesdays: social-emotional learning w/ counselor designed lessons, and Thursdays: Differentiated day with focus on literacy and math development. Fridays: Teacher workday/planning
- Enrichment & Related Arts experiences will be available to students throughout the school week as opportunities to extend beyond high-priority content and standards.
Also note:
- Kindergarten Pre-Registration is live on our district website. Having this registration information and enrollment information assists our team in planning for the upcoming school year. Spread the word with your neighbors and friend within the Zionsville Community and encourage them to register their child. More information is located below.
Once again, welcome back. It will be good to see those smiling faces on ZOOM!
Be well my friends, and we'll talk soon,
Kindergarten Pre-Registration for the 20-21 school year -
- If you already pre-registered for Kindergarten Round Up, you need to do nothing at this time.
- We are currently accepting kindergarten registrations for families/students that have not yet registered. Please click on the link below to begin the registration process.
- When we are able to return to school, our team will schedule a special time for you and your child to come to our school and learn about kindergarten. This Kindy experience will most likely occur this summer.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
ZCS Kindergarten pre-registration link:
Quarter 3 Report Cards
- To access your child’s report card, simply login to PowerSchool (using your parent login or your child’s login) and click on the Report Card link located in the left-hand menu.
- If you have forgotten how to login to PowerSchool, your child can most likely assist assist you (student login information - same information as Canvas)
- All future report cards will continue to be stored in this location, so you will always be able to access/view your child’s report cards in one place.
Tech Support Available
If you are in need of technology support not related to a specific assignment, please use this form to contact our tech department.
Resources for Helping Children
Attached are some resources that you may find helpful as you navigate these times with your children. The visual support attached is called HALT, which is an acronym to encourage us to practice self-care.
Common Sense Media
What’s Up with this Coronavirus? Comic for Kids
Mind Yeti Videos
Mind Yeti provides a great way for everyone to practice mindfulness. At the following link are over 15 videos of mindfulness sessions that help kids and families calm their minds, check in with their bodies, and notice their surroundings.
Sesame Street Little Children, Big Challenges
Young children face new challenges at every age and stage. That’s why it’s so important to help them build the skills they need to become resilient. With self-confidence and the ability to express themselves, little ones will be able to handle whatever may come their way and will just keep getting stronger.
How to Talk to your Kids About Coronavirus
This is an article written by PBS Kids about how to talk to children about coronavirus. You will find tips for handwashing, covering coughs, and practicing healthy habits.
Support for Helpers during Coronavirus
Resources from the Fred Rogers Center in addition to partner organizations for those of you looking for ways to create learning opportunities and structure for children.
Resources for Families Practicing Self-Care:
CNET Everything you need to know…
Resources for working, cooking, and coping while practicing social distancing.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network Parent Guide
Support in understanding and coping during this time. The guide provide information on children’s developmental/age reactions and how to help.
Food Assistance
Confidential Food Assistance from ZCS
Please use this link to set up a pick-up time for a food package from ZCS Food Service.
Assistance from the Boys and Girls Club
The Boys and Girls Club will also be offering a take out evening meal at the Lebanon Unit, 403 West Main Street. The offering is available to Club members and any community member in need during these difficult times.
Meals will be available Monday through Friday beginning March 16 - March 27 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a limit of eight carry-out meals per family. We are initially preparing meals for at least 100 people each day and will make adjustments as needed.
Zionsville Food Pantry
4775 W. 116th St, Zionsville
Phone 317-873-8137, ext. 1087
Hours of Operation on Thursdays from 5-6 pm and Fridays from 12-2 pm
The Caring Center
1230 Ransdell Ct.
Phone: 765-482-2020
Hours of Operation on Mondays & Wednesdays from 8 am - 2 pm
Hours of Operation on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from 11 am - 5 pm
(Closed on 3rd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of each month.)
Contact Us
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow