Lenox Elementary Newsletter
Week of April 25th
Greetings Lenox Families/Saludos Familias Lenox
There are thirty-seven days left in our school year. That is thirty-seven days to continue growing and learning together, having fun, and supporting our students to reach their greatest potential. Consistent attendance in the coming days is essential - your student is a valuable member of our community and we look forward to seeing their smiling face each and every day. Thank you for sharing your students with us and for prioritizing their attendance as we embark on this final quarter of the 21-22 school year.
There are many things happening this month both in school and in our community; be sure to check out all of the details below. And, as a reminder, if you ever have questions, suggestions, or wonderings, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher, the office or me. Communication and connection are key to our success!
Check out our instagram - hsdlenox and;
our website - https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox for the latest happenings as well.
In service to you,
Sarah Keller, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
Apr. 18 - Apr. 29 - 4th Grade CSE Lessons
Apr. 22 - Book Fair Preview Day for Students
Apr. 25 - Apr. 29 - Spring Book Fair
Apr. 28 - Family Shopping Night at Bookfair / Science Fair boards on display
May 2nd - Virtual Booster Club Meeting 7:00pm
May 6th- No School: Student Support Day
English 2022-2023 HSD Calendar /Spanish 2022-2023 HSD Calendar *Adopted 3/15/22
Important News & Notes
Arrival Reminders
- The front bus loop is for busses only and can be utilized as a drop off spot at or after 7:45am, not before.
PAX Tools for Families
There are two upcoming PAX Tools Training opportunities for families. Information about the training and registration is available in the links provided Spanish April 25,2022 | English April 26,2022.
SBA Testing Grades 3-6
State Testing for grades 3-6 begins on May 2nd. You can find our testing schedule below; we believe in creating a positive testing culture here at Lenox and need your help! Getting plenty of sleep the night before, eating a well balanced breakfast, and working to have a growth mindset will set students up for success. For more information on testing at Lenox CLICK HERE . For additional tips on how you can support your student click HERE (English) / HERE (Spanish)
22-23 Class Placement Feedback
The Lenox instructional staff will soon start the important task of placing students into classes for the 2022-23 school year. Student placement decisions are based upon a variety of educational and social variables including learning styles, personalities, input from current teacher, principal, parents, and test and assessment data. The school staff devotes considerable time, thought, and energy to the placement of each individual child. Our goal is to achieve a “good-match” between child and teacher for each student’s optimal success and to create an educationally effective classroom for the school year.
Visit the Lenox office to grab a feedback form or print and complete the digital form HERE. Return completed forms to the Lenox office by 5/6. We ask that you focus your comments on the needs of your child and what environment your child works with best. This is not intended as a place to request a specific teacher.
We appreciate the involvement of community members and parents who volunteer at Lenox. As the safety of students is of primary importance, the following procedures are required for processing volunteer requests.
- Complete the volunteer application on our website.
- The information you provide will be used to complete background checks through the state's criminal records system and the Oregon Department of Education's sexual misconduct database.
- Once these checks have cleared, you will receive an email asking you to complete a survey and upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination, per the Governor’s vaccination mandate.* (*Volunteers may fill out a form requesting a medical or religious exception; however, these will only be considered on an as-needed basis as staff availability allows. Anyone receiving an approved exception will be required to follow a set of increased safety measures when volunteering.)
- In addition, all volunteers will need to submit to a fingerprint-based criminal records check by March 28, 2022, in order to continue volunteering. Until this check is completed, volunteers will not be assigned duties that could put them in a situation where they have direct, unsupervised contact with students. If the check is not completed by March 28, 2022, your volunteer status will go from “approved” to “pending” and you will no longer be allowed to volunteer.
Booster Club Spotlight
Upcoming Booster Club Meeting 5/2 7:00PM-8:30PM Virtual
Google Meet joining info: https://meet.google.com/hak-witg-rjd/ Or dial: +1 916-750-2815 PIN: 135 705 296#
Lenox Booster Club is made up of hard-working parents, grandparents, & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Check out their new Introduction Video HERE to find out more! Booster Club Website - https://lenoxboosterclub.membershiptoolkit.com/
April HSD Family Engagement Committee Meetings
Native American Parent Advisory Committee - Wednesday, April 20th at 6:30 p.m. Please join us to connect with other Native American/Alaska Native parents and staff in our district. Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/aof-ipwz-dna Or dial: +1 252-357-6108 PIN: 197 734 832#
Asian/Pacific Islander Advisory Committee - Thursday, April 21st at 6:30 p.m. All families of students identifying as Asian or Pacific Islander are welcome to attend these monthly virtual meetings to learn more about what’s happening in the District and to share thoughts, concerns, and ideas for how best to support students in their education. Meeting Link: HTTPS://HSD1J.ZOOM.US/J/81867324765
Black Village Family - Thursday, April 28th at 7:00p.m The Black Village Family Advisory Committee (BVFAC) advocates for the needs of students, and families of students, who identify in whole or in part as Black/African-American/African attending Hillsboro School District schools. Meeting Link:https://hsd1j.zoom.us/j/84476428335 Meeting ID: 844 7642 8335 One tap mobile: +12532158782,,84476428335#
HSD Mesoamerican Families Group - Thursday, April 28th at 6:30-7:30 A space open to all families that identify themselves as mesoamerican indigenous. Conversations around: School District Program and Services information, materials and strategies to support your student at home. Important dates for your student and connections with your teachers, counselors Location: Virtual- Link: https://meet.google.com/epd-odtq-okk Dial: +1 224-442-3391 PIN: 103 425 582#
SPED LatinX Family Engagement Meeting - Friday, April 29th at 4:30 p.m. The Latinx PAC Special Education Committee invites families who have children on an IEP to our monthly meeting. Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/sbq-nnpp-dxp Or dial: +1 575-942-2086 PIN: 438 919 403#
Student Technology Support/Resources
If you need help, have questions, or want to report a lost/damaged Chromebook:
Contact Lenox Technology Support: call or text 971-206-4223 or email hartzelc@hsd.k12.or.us (Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 4:00 pm)
Lenox Elementary School
Email: kellers@hsd.k12.or.us
Website: hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-844-1360