Padbury CPS Newsletter
Issue #1 - ???? 2022

Newsletter #16 - 20 October 2023
Be welcoming, friendly and inclusive in all you say and do
Bushfire Plan
As Bushfire season approaches in the Summer months, a copy of our Bushfire Plan can be found here on our website - https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/formsandprocedures
Please check the PCPS community calendar for upcoming and future dates as the calendar is regularly updated https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/community-calendar
Leaving Padbury Catholic in 2024?
If your child is not returning to PCPS in 2024
please advise the office in writing via email at
before 1 November, 2023.
Enrol your child NOW
There are limited vacancies in Pre Kindy 2024 on Tuesday and Thursday.
If you have a little one at home that has not yet commenced at PCPS, I urge you to submit an application immediately to the school for either Pre Kindy or Kindy.
Some of our families have missed out on a position as they forgot to submit their enrolment form.
Admin staff are not aware if you have younger ones at home so an enrolment form is essential.
Even if your child is only a few months old, please submit an application form now!
Dear Parents
Welcome to Term Four! It has been great catching up with everyone after my long service leave last term. I would like to thank Ms Mac Callisto for taking on the role of Acting Principal during my absence and a few little birdies told me she did an amazing job.
The children have returned with a renewed enthusiasm and look great in their summer uniforms. Thank you, parents, for taking the time to ensure they look so neat!
This term we have many important events and school activities planned. Please check the online school community calendar https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/community-calendar and continue to read the newsletter on a fortnightly basis for further information.
The liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7 and the month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. We dedicate this month to honour Mary in thanks for her love and protection.
Each decade of the Rosary refers to an event in the life of Jesus and Mary. The Spiritual Ministry will be in the Prayer Room leading the Rosary at lunch time next week and children from Yrs 1-6 are invited to join in.
Family Mass
All families are invited to come celebrate the PCPS Family Mass on Sunday 12 November at 11am at Our Lady of the Mission Church. There are several opportunities for students to be involved in the Mass, particularly with music, readings and prayers of the faithful. Please click on the link below to volunteer.
A big thank you to Severine Gibson and Liz de Haas for coordinating the Family Mass.
Christmas Carols
Book this date in your diary now – OLM Parish Carols by Candlelight on Thursday 7 December 6-7pm. Padbury Catholic Primary School and Whitford Catholic Primary School together with Our Lady of the Missions Parish, will once again be holding Carols by Candlelight on the oval right near the church.
All families are invited to attend and enjoy carol singing and a picnic and sausage sizzles will be available. Please keep an eye out on your class Seesaw for further details from your class teacher and coordinator Mrs Carter.
The Year Five classes enjoyed a week of leadership events recently with nominations for 2024 Year 6 Councillors. The children also had a Sleepover at school. It was wonderful to celebrate a Leadership Liturgy with the children after which they took part in an evening filled with lots of fun and games. Big thank you to Mrs Wardrope, Mr Randazzo and Mrs Fisher for sleeping overnight and giving up their own family time to share this special event with the children. I am very proud of the Year Five children are currently displaying some excellent leadership skills. I look forward to them putting into action the Mercy Value of Service in their various leadership roles next year.
P & F
The P&F Dads and Kids Camp is on tomorrow night. Big thanks to Nick Lynch for organising this event. It promises to be a fun event for families!
Many thanks to Nicole Cornwall for co ordinating the Icy Pole days for the children. As the weather warms, the children are appreciating the cold treat!
The Crazy Hair Disco is on 10 November and promises to be loads of fun for the children. Many thanks to Erin Otten for planning this event.
The Parent Social evening is coming up on 3 November. Keep an eye out for details. Many thanks to Bree Byrnes and Kathryn O’Sullivan, who are planning this Christmas Party at the Woodvale Tavern.
Annual Committee Meeting
The Annual Community Meeting for the P&F and Advisory Council and Volunteers Supper will be held on Wednesday 15 November in the school hall, commencing at 6.00pm.
Reasons you should come to the AGM:
· Show your support of the hard-working Advisory Council and P&F
· There will be a brief review of 2023 Advisory Council and P&F activities
· Office bearers for the Advisory Council and P&F will be elected (if required)
· 2024 staffing will be announced (if finalised). You will find out your child’s year group teachers for 2024
· 2024 school fees will be presented
· Focus areas for 2024will be shared
· As a special thank you to all volunteers who have assisted in any way throughout the year such as P&F, Advisory Council, reading rosters, excursions, covering books, craft and the list goes on and on…there will be a thankyou supper.
P&F Executive continue in their roles for 2024 as President, Vice, Treasurer and Secretary therefore there are no vacancies to fill. Please consider if you would like to nominate for any P&F Portfolios or a class representative role for 2024.
Two Advisory Council (AC) members finish up this year. Due to the changed nature of the AC role since CEWA has become incorporated, the AC has decided to remain with the minimum number of elected members and hence there will not be any vacancies for 2024.
You are invited to our Volunteers Supper at the commencement of the ACM. It is our way of saying thank you for all that you do at PCPS. Please rsvp your attendance for catering purposes by completing the RSVP below.
Padbury Catholic Primary School ACM
Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 06:00 pm
School Hall
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Enjoy the glorious sunshine this weekend!
Mrs Margaret Williamson
Congratulations to Ms Bebich who celebrates 30 Years in Catholic Education this year. Ms Bebich receives a special award this year from CEWA in recognition of her dedication and commitment.
We are extremely fortunate to have Ms Bebich on our staff at PCPS. She is a senior teacher, with so much experience and wisdom to share with the younger staff and of course her outstanding teaching skills, which all the children she has taught over the years, have been lucky to have benefited from.
During the school holidays we had two new additions to PCPS families -
The Wardell family (Jakob Yr1) welcomed their daughter/sister, Bailee Kate
The Williams family (Hudson Yr1 & Kyra PK) welcomed their son/brother Haze
Wishing you lots of joy that these little ones will bring to your family.
Our prayers go out to the Parker family (Sienna Yr5 & Ava Yr3) on the loss of their father/grandfather/great grandfather. Thinking of you at this sad time.
Lunches can now be ordered from the canteen on a Wednesday
All Saints' Day
On Wednesday 1 November at 2.00pm, we will celebrate All Saints’ Day Mass will be held in the school hall. All Saints’ Day is celebrated to remember all those holy men and women who have been canonized by the church. On the 2 November, we remember and pray for all our loved ones who have gone before us on All Souls’ Day.
Uniform Policy
Parents, a reminder that our Uniform Policy is located on the school website. We ask you to refer to the uniform requirements as indicated both in the dress code and grooming code.
Please pay particular attention to hair and jewellery.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Ms Mac Callisto & Mr Peter O'Mara
Assistant Principals
Extension Programme
Year 6 students learning to desalinate water....
Year 4 students working on their Rovers
Welcome to the beginning of Term 4, an exciting term lies ahead with -
· The construction of homes that exemplify living off the grid
· The racing of our carboard designed and constructed “Mars Rovers”
· The building of our Roller Coasters and
· The design and construction of an innovative School Playground
Each of these projects requires students to work collaboratively, using analytical, critical and creative thinking skills to work their way through the design process while completing their problem-based projects. Whilst there have been many challenges it has been rewarding to watch the students improve their projects and re-do steps involved to ensure it works or is as they anticipated. This is a great life skill.
Our Veggie Garden has now been re-planted, and we look forward to watching our cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, lettuce, basil, zucchini, and radicchio grow. Perhaps another serve of pesto in on the way!
Planting our beautiful garden.....
.....grows .....
....and grows
Mrs Rosalba Bottega
Extension Teacher
Social Worker
We rise by lifting others ....
Imagine if this could be our daily mantra.
It is possible for all of us to create a sentiment of resilience, encouragement, and hope—both at home and in our local community. No matter what's happening in the world, all of us can make a positive difference in the lives of others. We rise by lifting others.
Perhaps make one of your meal time chats a discussion of this statement and how it can look in everyday life. What can they do to lift others especially as they return to school for term 4. Ultimately, they will lead by our example. How are you lifting others up? Imagine a community where we lifted others instead of putting people down.
Mrs Ali Fisher
Social Worker
Crazy Hair Disco
Mass Times
All Masses are held in the Church
Saturday - 8:30am; 6:30pm
Sunday - 8:00am; 9:30am; 11:00am; 5:45pm
Monday to Friday - 7:00am; 9:00am
24:7 Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6 to 12
1st and 3rd Friday @ Parish Hall, 7pm
Call Luke 0401822932 for more information.
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Parish Website : www.olm.myparish.net.au
2023 Why Be Catholic Conference
The Parish is hosting this year’s conference this weekend; Friday evening and whole day on Saturday entitled ‘Behold’. If you’ve not registered but interested, you’re most welcome to come and register on the day even if only for parts of the weekend. We have presenters from USA with us joined by Catholics from across the Archdiocese. Please see parish newsletter for more details or ring the parish office during office hours.
Sacred Heart College Year 7 2026
Expressions of Interest for Year 7 2026 at Sacred Heart College are due by end of month December 2023.
Expressions of Interest can be submitted through the College website and incurs a non-refundable $85 expression of interest fee on completion. Expression of Interest families will be emailed mid-January 2024 communicating the commencement of the application process and next steps.
For more information, please feel free to contact the Sacred Heart College Registrar on 08 9246 8283 or registrar@sacredheart.wa.edu.au before December 14.
Padbury Catholic is a double-stream Primary School in Padbury Western Australia.