Judges' Docket
Week of 05/01/2023
Director of Counseling Announcement
SOL Testing Notification
End of Course SOL’s take place from Monday, May 8th until Thursday, May 25th. Letters have been mailed home and electronic communication has taken place for students that are testing. If students are unsure they can double check with their teachers, counselors, or administrators.
The schedule is as follows:
- Monday, May 8 Senior SOL-Any senior needing an SOL for graduation will test this day
- Tuesday, May 9 Senior SOL #2 - Any senior needing a second SOL for graduation
- Thursday, May 11 Math SOL ***3 Hour Delay***
- Friday, May 12 Science SOL ***3 Hour Delay***
- Tuesday, May 16 Math Makeups
- Wednesday, May 17 Science Makeups
- Thursday, May 18 History SOL ***3 Hour Delay***
- Friday, May 19 Reading SOL & Math and Science Expedited retakes ***3 Hour Delay***
- Monday, May 22 History and Reading Makeups
- Tuesday, May 23 All Makeups and Expedited Retakes
- Wednesday, May 24 All Makeups and Expedited Retakes
- Thursday, May 25 All Makeups and Expedited Retakes
Please note that May 11, 12, 18, and 19 are 3 Hour Delay days for students not taking SOL tests. Buses will run their normal route and an additional route exactly 3 hours later. Official classes will begin at 11:25. All students that are testing received this letter in the mail. These students should report to school at normal time (8:25) on the day of the test and report directly to the testing location provided to them by their teacher. Additional staff will be placed in the hallways to assist students to find their testing location as necessary.
Notificación de los exámenes SOL
Los exámenes SOL de fin de curso se llevarán a cabo el lunes 8 de mayo hasta el jueves 25 de mayo. Se han enviado cartas a casa y se ha enviado comunicación electrónica para los estudiantes que tomarán los exámenes. Si los estudiantes no están seguros, pueden consultar con sus maestros, consejeros o administradores.
El horario es el siguiente:
- Lunes, 8 de mayo SOL para el grado 12º - Cualquier estudiante de 12° grado que necesite un SOL para graduarse tomará el examen este día
- Martes 9 de mayo SOL para el grado 12º #2 - Cualquier estudiante de 12.º grado que necesite un segundo SOL para graduarse
- Jueves, 11 de mayo SOL de Matemáticas ***Retraso de 3 horas***
- Viernes, 12 de mayo SOL de Ciencia ***Retraso de 3 horas***
- Martes, 16 de mayo Retomar el examen de Matemáticas
- Miércoles 17 de mayo Retomar el examen de Ciencias
- Jueves 18 de mayo SOL de Historia ***Retraso de 3 horas***
- Viernes, 19 de mayo SOL de Lectura SOL y Retoma acelerada de Matemáticas y Ciencias ***Retraso de 3 horas***
- Lunes 22 de mayo Retomar el examen de Historia y Lectura
- Martes 23 de mayo Retoma y retoma acelerada de todos los exámenes
- Miércoles 24 de mayo Retoma y retoma acelerada de todos los exámenes
- Jueves 25 de mayo Retoma y retoma acelerada de todos los exámenes
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los días 11, 12, 18 y 19 de mayo son días de 3 horas de retraso para los estudiantes que no toman los exámenes SOL. Los autobuses realizarán su ruta normal y una ruta adicional exactamente 3 horas más tarde. Las clases oficiales comenzarán a las 11:25. Todos los estudiantes que están tomando el examen recibieron esta carta por correo. Estos estudiantes deben presentarse en la escuela a la hora normal (8:25) el día del examen y presentarse directamente en la ubicación donde tomarán el examen que les proporcionó su maestro. Se colocará personal adicional en los pasillos para ayudar a los estudiantes a encontrar la ubicación de su examen según sea necesario.
Algebra I SOL JAM Sessions
Fechas de las sesiones de revisión para tomar los SOL
AP Exams Schedule
Advanced Placement (AP) testing will be taking place in the month of May, starting on May 1st. Families with students currently enrolled in Advanced Placement classes and registered to take an AP exam can click here to access the AP testing schedule which includes testing times and locations. Those approved to have extended time or other accommodations will be contacted separately with the testing room location.
- AM testing students will report to their testing location no later than 8:20am on the day of their test.
- PM testing students will report to their testing location no later than 12:10pm on the day of their test.
- PM testing students will eat A lunch.
If your student is taking two exams on the same day, please have them email Ms. Fradillada at fradilladan@wps.k12.va.us so they can have a bagged lunch prepared for them.
We cannot guarantee that an exam will be finished by 3:15pm (dismissal time.) Please plan for an alternate way to get home for your student They can also ride the activity bus that is provided at 4:15 pm. All of this information was shared with students on Monday, April 24.
Exámenes de Colocación Avanzada (AP) Calendario e Informacion
Los exámenes de Colocación Avanzada (AP) se llevarán a cabo en el mes de mayo, empezando el 1 de mayo. Las familias con estudiantes actualmente inscritos en clases de Colocación Avanzada y registrados para tomar un examen AP pueden hacer clic aquí para ver el calendario de exámenes AP que incluye horarios y lugares de exámen. Para los estudiantes aprobados para tener tiempo adicional u otras adaptaciones, se les contactará por separado con la ubicación del salón de exámenes.
- Los estudiantes que tomarán el examen por la mañana se presentarán en la ubicación de su examen a no más tardar de las 8:20 a. m. el día del examen.
- Los estudiantes que tomarán el examen por la tarde se presentarán en la ubicación de su examen no más tardar de las 12:10 p. m. el día del examen.
- Los estudiantes que tomarán el examen por la tarde almorzarán durante el turno A.
Si su estudiante está tomando dos exámenes el mismo día, pídale que le envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. Fradillada a fradilladan@wps.k12.va.us para que se le prepare un almuerzo en bolsa.
May 4th - Early Dismissal for Apple Blossom
Please encourage your student to be in good standing with attendance, behavior and academics. Success Teams will be reviewing student standing and eligibility to attend Prom this week. Success Teams will be having conversations with students on their standing. The student will be notified if they are ineligible to attend Prom.
As a reminder this information was communicated to students and parents in January. In addition, students have signed a student contract with these expectations included.
A message from the PTSO: Teacher Appreciation Week help needed!
Whether you're able to donate items for our teacher breakfast, treats for our goody bags, or an hour of time, we need your help to make this celebration a success!
Donations of physical items are needed in the Main Office by May 2nd. Click here for the SignUp Genius to learn more about what we need.
We also need volunteers to help serve meals and other treats throughout the week. Click here for the SignUp Genius to learn more about volunteer opportunities!
Monetary donations are also always appreciated - either via PayPal at jhhspto@wps.k12.va.us or check/cash dropped in the main office.
Submit Senior Chapel Photos!
Reminders for Seniors (Chromebook Collection)
All Chromebooks will need to be turned in on May 19th without stickers on the device or case. All stickers and residue from the stickers must be removed prior to the collection day.
Baccalaureate Ceremony - Need your input
Attention Seniors and Parents:
The Counseling Office wants to recognize all of our seniors who have been given a scholarship at our Baccalaureate Ceremony on May 17.
Please complete this form to report any and all scholarships your student has received so far. Even if your student does not plan to attend a school that has awarded them scholarship $, please still include that information in this form. All scholarships received are a recognition of the hard work your student has done.
If you have any questions, please contact Bethany DeHaven, Counseling Office Administrative Assistant, dehavenb@wps.k12.va.us
Weekly Winner Announcement
In a tight race, coming in 4th place are the Juniors with 91.2%
Coming in 3rd place are the Seniors with 91.7%
And this week there is a tie for 1st place between the Sophomores and the Freshman, both with 92.3%
Congratulations Class of 2025 and Class of 2026!
We have a short week next week with an early dismissal on Thursday and no school on Friday. Continue to show your Handley Pride and be present each day.
Senior Parent-Sponsored Grad Party May 23rd
Picnic food/drink donations still needed. Sign up here:
Prize auction donations needed. When kids check-in, they will be provided 3 tickets. There will be prizes and bags set up on a table. Tickets are placed in the bags of the prize they desire for a chance to win. Another dimension of fun and excitement for our event, but we need prize donations. Ideas: bakeware or storage containers, laundry basket filled with supplies, first aid kit, mani/pedi or haircare basket, wall hangings, dorm or apartment supplies or a free service. Gift cards are always welcome! What can you donate? Contact JoanCestaro@gmail.com or text 540-327-0541
Library News
National School Library Month
This week is National Library Week! This year’s theme is “There’s More to the Story.”
Monday is Right to Read Day - celebrate your freedom to read! Tuesday is Library Workers Day. We would like to recognize the student library aides who help make our library run smoothly and efficiently: Dahlia H., Penelope L., Tara Z., Nakayla F., Felix M., Isabella C., Elmer O., Helen R., Laura S., and Yoana K. Thank you for all you do. Find out more about National Library Week here!
We’re also celebrating libraries throughout the entire month of April. To honor our school library and celebrate Handley’s 100th year, we’ve put together this History of the Handley High School Library. Take a peek and be on the lookout for fun trivia opportunities coming this week with a chance to win some prizes!
✒️Poet Vs. Pop Star Challenge🎤
Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? We're celebrating in the library with a Poet vs. Pop Start challenge. Who wrote it, Ed Shereen or Edgar Allen Poe? Billie Eilish or Emily Dickinson? Come on down to the library to participate in this challenge, and be entered into a raffle for a library prize package. All participants can win a small prize just for taking part. The winner will be drawn at the end of this week!
National Arab American Heritage Month
April is also National Arab American month. Take a look at this collection that celebrates not only some of our most popular books by Arab American writers, but also includes Muslim American authors as well as other books featuring Middle Eastern culture. Expand your horizons and check one out today.
Want to Be a Student Library Aide?
Rising Juniors and Seniors can sign up to be a Student Library Aide with their counselor. This course offers a full credit, allows students to provide a service to their school community, learn valuable interpersonal skills and job skills, and provides students an opportunity to learn a lot about the inner workings of the library. Students work the front desk, shelve books, process new books, read, complete projects, and hone their student leadership skills. Talk to a librarian or student library aide if you have any questions & to pick up an application.
Support Those fighting Breast Cancer🎗️
Stop by the library to leave hopeful messages on our Breast Cancer support Bulletin Board, created by one of our Student Library Aides. After the board is filled with encouragement it will be donated to a breast-cancer treatment facility. This activity will be wrapping up this week. Please stop by and write a quick note.
Follow the library on Instagram @jhhslibrary, Twitter @JHHSLibrary, or facebook @ John Handley LMC!
Career Exploration Opportunities
LOOKING FOR A JOB? The Employer Expo Hiring event is happening on May 10 from 1-6pm!
High school SENIORS are able to go for a special preview window of 1-2pm before the event opens to the general public.
Meet with hiring managers in person from 80+ companies in the region
Attend free, professional development workshops:
Basic Resume
Mock Interviews
All in One Job Search Tune Up
Job Applications & Assessments
Complete a workshop and be entered into a drawing for a $1,000 scholarship. Multiple scholarships will be awarded.
Free professional headshots offered onsite
There is a senior assembly that morning from 11-12:05pm. If you sign up to attend the Expo, we will feed you lunch before we leave at 12:45! Transportation will be provided by WPS.
Please sign up to attend here.
We will be hosting a free workshop on Tuesday, May 2nd in the Patsy Cline Theatre at 10am to assist students with resumes and preparing introductions / elevator speeches in order to communicate with professionals at the Expo to put your best foot forward. If you sign up, please plan to attend this session.
Navy Federal “Classroom to Office” Mentorship Opportunity for 23/24 School Year
Economic and Personal Finance students are selected through an application process to participate in this project-based mentorship program. Students will be paired with a Navy Federal mentor who they will work with onsite at Navy Federal during the Spring semester. The pair will develop a project to be presented to school and Navy Federal leadership at the end of the school year.
Continental is hiring!
Electrical Apprentice Positions:
Quick Details:
Monday thru Friday from 7 AM – 3 PM
Pay $19.00/Hour
Full-time positions and Continental pays for the employee to go to Laurel Ridge and enroll in their Electrical Apprentice Program for the next 2 years.
Students could then take Journeyman’s and continue to work for Continental
Once hours are achieved, students would then be promoted to a Full-Time Electrician in the manufacturing plant.
Learn more about this opportunity here.
Entry level production jobs - get hired right away!
As a Production Operator you will function as an active team member within the production line by maintaining quality specifications, inputting manufacturing data, viewing SOP’s, and maintaining operation of various equipment and machinery depending upon the department’s job specifications
• Immediate Benefits
• Paid Time Off
• Employee Discounts
• Annual Bonus
• Employer 401(k) Match
• On-Site Gym
Learn more about this opportunity here.
Signet is hiring!
Signet Marketing is a thirty-year-old screen printing & embroidery work company located in Winchester. They are looking to hire a few upcoming graduating seniors to add to their team!
No experience is necessary!
A few details:
Days: Monday – Friday
Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.
Salary: $13.00 - $14.50 hour
PTO: Based on length of employment.
Lunch break: 30 minutes
Additional breaks: (2) x 15 minutes
Stoneridge Outdoor Living is hiring!
Stoneridge Outdoor Living is committed to providing top quality, affordable, Made in America Home Improvement Products and is the market leader in the Sunroom, Bath and Replacement Window sector.
They offer a great retirement plan, fantastic health insurance benefits, the best training around, excellent pay, a commitment to provide you the leadership and resources to be successful.
Some of the many benefits of working at Stoneridge Outdoor Living include:
Awesome Pay
Paid Training
Flexible Hours
Tuition Reimbursement
Potential to grow into a Leadership role
Learn more about this opportunity here.
Cape Hatteras National Seashore is seeking high-school-aged students for paid summer jobs in Buxton, NC.
No experience is necessary! Participants will get paid to work, learn and gain leadership skills. No prior experience is needed, just an eagerness to make a difference. YCC engages young people in meaningful work experiences at national parks, forest, wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries, while developing an ethic of environmental stewardship and civic responsibility.
Learn more about this opportunity here.
**For questions about any of these opportunities or to sign up, please visit the link included or reach out to Ms. Weinstein, Work-Based Learning Coach at weinsteins@wps.k12.va.us**
The Handley Parent Teacher Student Organization (the PTSO) works to strengthen relationships between families and faculty. We do this by sponsoring events, volunteering at school, and supporting our kids, teachers and staff.
Unlike most Parent/Teacher/Student Organizations, we charge no membership fee. We're grateful for all of the ways our families contribute to the Handley community - whether it's with your time, your culinary efforts, or your donations. Now, the Handley PTSO is also able to accept credit card donations via PayPal!
If you're able to spare a monetary donation to support our work benefitting Handley students, teachers, and staff, we are grateful for any amount. Cash and checks may be left for us at the front office. Or click here to reach PayPal and send your donation to JHHSPTO@wps.k12.va.us!
Sign up for our monthly emails by clicking here or email us at jhhspto@wps.k12.va.us for more information!
Summer Economics and Personal Finance Class
Attention 10th and 11th graders
Students can complete the required Economics and Personal Finance class this summer asynchronously. For more information please contact Ms. Windy Glahn, glahn@wps.k12.va.us.
The cost is $140. If you are eligible for free/reduced lunch, there is a reduced fee.
Registration forms below
2023 VSBA Student Essay Contest: $500 Scholarship Opportunity
The Virginia School Boards Association is holding a personal essay/speaking contest where the finalists will have an opportunity to present before an audience of more than 300 school board members and administrators at the 2023 VSBA Conference on Education held at the Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa at Short Pump on July 13, 2023.
This is the third year the Virginia School Boards Association will hold this contest with hope that this contest will bring out the very best in students’ writing and speaking efforts to allow our attendees to witness examples of the bright, thoughtful, and accomplished students from around the Commonwealth. This year's topic is The Meaning of Civility.
Thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous sponsor, the top finalist will receive a $500 scholarship. Submissions are open to all Virginia public high school students (grades 9-12) as a great opportunity to share their unique voices as well as compete for funds to further their education.
For more information on the contest and complete guidelines please view the guidebook below. For questions, please contact communications@vsba.org.
Entry Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PKH9MF5
National Youth Science Camp Application Open
The National Youth Science Camp (NYSCamp) is a residential science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) program designed to honor and challenge some of the nation’s rising student leaders and provide them with opportunities to engage with STEAM professionals and participate in exciting outdoor activities. The 2023 NYSCamp, hosted by the National Youth Science Academy, is a hybrid experience, with students participating virtually for the first five days, followed by two and a half weeks in-person.
Two students will be selected to represent Virginia as delegates to the NYSCamp. Eligibility has been extended for the 2023 NYSCamp to include current Juniors and Seniors. February 28th is the deadline to apply, and applicants will be notified by March 15th if they were selected.
- Virtual dates are June 19, 2023 to June 23, 2023
- In-person dates are June 24, 2023 to July 23, 2023.
Order your 2002-2023 Handley yearbook!
¡Ordene el Anuario de Handley!
Digital Life Family Conversation Starters
JHHS Clubs and Activities
PBIS Student Expectations
JHHS will begin a virtual rewards program for students during the month of October through the PBIS Rewards platform. This is very exciting news!! Students now earn reward points for demonstrating desired behaviors according to our Handley PRIDE expectations!!
Quarantine Classroom Guidelines
Students that are quarantined and have classes at John Handley High School will follow the John Handley High School bell schedule.
Students that are quarantined and take courses at the Emil & Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center will follow the Innovation Center bell schedule.
Physical Requirements
EACH school year, a NEW VHSL physical is required and must be dated after May 1, 2022 for participation in any 2022-20223 sport. You must also complete all athletic forms. All Athletic Forms are found online. Please visit www.Handleypride.org and click on the Activity Registration tab at the top of the page to get started.
Click here to view the Quick Start Guide for Families.
Check out the online store to get your JH gear for the new year!
Become a member of JAA
Our Mission:
The mission of the JAA is to provide financial support to the Handley athletic program and its student athletes. Specifically, the JAA awards scholarships to graduating Handley student-athletes and purchases equipment for uniforms for the athletic departments.
Become a Member and help the JAA’s continued commitment to and support of Handley Athletics and its Student-Athletes!
For your annual membership, click the code or contact us at judgesathleticassociation.com
** General JHHS Information **
Please refer to the Student Resource Guide below for your Child's Administrator, Counselors, and Class Sponsors for the 2022/2023 school year
JHHS Student Tech Support Times
JHHS Lunch Menu
Emil & Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center Lunch Menu
Free Internet Service for Eligible Families
Families can learn more by visiting this webpage. In short, we provide the promo code, and Comcast, ultimately, determines eligibility. School Social Workers will have the necessary information to provide assistance to a family who would like to apply.
Nurses Clinic
All seniors need the meningitis vaccine, please turn in your record of vaccine to the nurses clinic.
If your student would like to receive tylenol, ibuprofen or pepto bismol during the school year please send in an unopened bottle with their name and signed authorization form.
Any student requiring prescribed medication during school hours please complete the Student Medication Authorization. Form needs to be signed by the health care provider.
WPS Calendar
PowerSchool Parent Accounts
2022-23 Bus Stops
SchoolCash Online
Handley Parking Permit
Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. If you are going to be driving to school for the 2022 -2023 school year and parking in the Handley parking lot, you must obtain a parking permit. Visit the Handley Student Parking webpage for more information. High School Student Parking Pass Application (Spanish here)
You may only park in your assigned spot during school hours. If you fail to park in your spot, break any parking lot rules, and/or are chronically late to school, you may lose your privilege to park in the lot and anywhere on school property.