Weekly Update
May 15-19
Monday, May 15
Lunch Tutoring: World Language/ CTE
4:30 p.m.
Varsity Softball vs North Point - HOME
4:45 p.m.
Varsity Baseball vs Severna Park--Away
Wednesday, May 17
Lunch Tutoring: Math
1:00 p.m.
Varsity Tennis Regional Championship - AWAY
Thursday, May 18
Lunch Tutoring: Social Studies
1:00 p.m.
Varsity Tennis Regional Championship - AWAY
4:30 p.m.
Varsity Boys and Girls Track and Field Regional Championship - AWAY
Friday, May 19
Lunch Tutoring: English
4:30 p.m.
Varsity Boys and Girls Track and Field Regional Championship - AWAY
Last day for Seniors!!
School Debts
Parents and guardians should be mindful of all debt that their students accrue throughout the 2022-2023 School Year. Student debt could take any one of the following forms:
Lost/Damaged Computer Devices
Lost/Damaged Textbooks
Lunch Debt
Parents/Guardians play a key role in monitoring not only their student's actions but also their fiscal responsibilities regarding lost/damaged issued devices (such as computers and textbooks) and/or food purchases made by your child in our school cafeteria. Payment can be made in the form of cash or check and should include your child's five-digit Student ID# (e.g., #12345). For further convenience, families may also pay by credit card online at http://www.myschoolbucks.com/. All questions and concerns should be directed to the school bank or the principal's secretary.
End of Year Reminders for Seniors
Please review the two documents below:
Laptop/Charger replacement Cost
Going on a college visit?
Seniors who need a transcript
Seniors who need a final transcript, for the college they will be attending in the fall, must make that request through Naviance. Please click here for directions: Requesting Final Transcript Class of 2023
Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey
We want to hear from you.
- OPTION 1: Complete the hard copy survey that was recently sent to you and return it in the postage-paid envelope by May 19, 2023, or
- OPTION 2: Complete the survey online at www.mdparentsurvey.com.
Questions? Please contact Kenneth Hudock, MSDE, at 410-767-7770 or Kenneth.Hudock@maryland.gov.
World Language Awards!
Gold medal winner-- Andre Lopez (Italian 1)
Silver medal winner-- Addison Ray (Italian 1)
Bronze medal winners-- Taylor Basso & Isabel Grimes (both Italian 2)
Merit certificates-- Jasmine Fallon & Elise Lyons (Italian 4)
Zachary Horner--Silver medal (German)
Attention seniors, class of 2023
Class Elections 2023
Thursday, April 27: Application Released
Monday, May 15: Application due to Class Sponsors (no late applications accepted and must be complete)
Tuesday, May 16: MANDATORY meeting to review campaign regulations in F19 during B Lunch
Thursday May 18: Any Campaign video due to Mrs. Hager for LTV by 3:00 pm (All materials/videos must be AP/class sponsor approved and less than 30-45seconds ONLY)
Friday, May 19 : One week campaign period begins
Friday, May 26: One week campaign period ends
Tuesday, May 31: Elections held online (English or Social Studies classes - online)
Thursday, June 1: Election results announced (Meetings will be set to start preparing for summer planning & homecoming events next year!
Student 2 Student (S2S)
Student 2 Student (S2S) is looking for rising 11th and 12th grade students for our program for next school year. Applications will open after 8:00 AM on May 15th. Applications will Close on May 24th at 3:00PM.
What is S2S?
Student to Student (S2S) is a student-led, faculty-advised program with the mission to take care of new students. Our S2S program welcomes students to LHS, and introduces them to the Raider community. It provides fun ways for new students to get to know other students, to build new peer groups, and encourage new students to perform better in school. S2S impacts the entire student body by uniting the campus to build a culture of inclusion. Please understand there will be training in August for all members. Do you want to lead the training, if yes, complete the application part that indicates you would like to interview for a leadership board position (no experience necessary).
Yearbook Information
Senior Portraits
Class of 2024, it is time for senior portraits!
Legacy Studios will be here on the dates below for senior portraits in the auditorium.
May 30 & 31
July 17, 18, 19, & 20
August 16 & 17
Seniors MUST sign up for an appointment by clicking HERE. Information about different portrait sessions available can be found on the Legacy site. Please note that Legacy does provide the tux, drape, and cap and gown for portraits. Seniors, if you wish to be included in the senior section of the yearbook, you must have your picture taken by Legacy in a tux or drape with a blue background and no props. Portraits that do not meet this requirement will not be included in the senior section of the yearbook.
If you have any questions regarding portraits or sittings, please contact Legacy at 716-512-6336 or customercare@legacystudios.com.
Team Pictures
Athletes who were photographed this year for any of our teams have the chance to purchase team and/or individual pictures. Please visit the Legacy website and use code 4572E23.
Interested in Becoming a Yearbook Staff Member for the 2023-2024 School Year?
Click HERE to apply! The application closes on May 10.
Order A Yearbook!
If you are interested in purchasing a 2022-2023 yearbook, please visit the Jostens site. This offer will be available until May 15. After that, sales will close. Yearbooks will be distributed in the spring.
Counseling Corner
Counselors have completed the majority of our students' course requests for next school year. We will meet with anyone who was absent during our first round of registration after spring break.
If your student needs to request a change to their current course requests, there is a form that can be picked up in the guidance office, completed, and returned. Course change request forms require a parent signature.
Parents and students are able to review course requests for next school year in HAC. Please log into HAC, go to the CLASSES TAB, then SCHEDULE TAB, and then scroll down to see the list of course requests for next school year.
Any rising senior who is interested in dual enrollment with attending the campus during the school day, here is the SMCPS website that has all the resources you will need. Students will also need to complete the form for early release for employment or dual enrollment.
Make sure to know your counselor!
- Hensel: A-C - jahensel@smcps.org
- Wolcott: D-Go & GIS - rrwolcott@smcps.org
- Neitz: Gr-L - lkneitz@smcps.org
- Guidry: M-R - lcguidry@smcps.org
- Marino: S-Z - cmmarino@smcps.org
- Sawyer: Freshmen Academy - wnsawyer@smcps.org
Need an appointment? Please e-mail Guidance Secretary, Ms. Williams (jkwilliams@smcps.org).
Career Center Updates
Tuesday, May 16th
US Navy Presentation in the Career Center at 9:45 AM. Grades 10-12 are welcome to sign up. Register Here
New Scholarship Added to Naviance
Southern Maryland Sierra Club Scholarship
To view all scholarships, login to Naviance via Clever. Click Colleges >> Scholarship Search.
Final Transcript Request
Seniors, don't forget to request your final transcript for the college you will be attending in Naviance. If you need assistance, please visit the Career Center.
St. Mary's County Public Library Summer Internships
See the link for more information. Link
St. Mary's County Queen of Tolerance
The Queen of Tolerance applications will be available in August. (This is for rising Senior females). The St. Mary's County Fair will be Sept. 21-24 this year.
Spanish Summer Courses
The World Language Dept for SMCPS is pleased to announce that we will once again be offering in-person Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 courses over the summer for original credit! These courses will be intense, therefore interested participants must agree to attend the full 6 weeks: June 26 - August 3 (Monday- Thursday). Courses are open to any student in grades 9-12 who has not already received credit for Spanish 1 or 2. Rising 9th graders will have seating priority.
Registration is now open. Click below for flyer & more information. Students do not have to have counselor permission to sign up, as Wendy Tarr, Supervisor of World Languages will monitor registrants. Parents and students, please contact Wendy Tarr (wmtarr@smcps.org) with questions.
Geometry Summer Course
The Mathematics Department for SMCPS is pleased to announce that we will be offering an in-person Geometry course over the summer for original credit! This course will be intense, therefore interested participants must agree to attend the full 6 weeks: June 26 - August 3 (Monday- Thursday). Courses are open to any student that have earned, OR will earn, an Algebra 1 credit during the 2023 school year. Rising 9th graders will have seating priority.
Registration is now open. Click below for a flyer & more information. Students do not have to have counselor permission to sign up, as Bridget Dunbar, Supervisor of Secondary Mathematics, will monitor registrants. Parents and students, please contact Bridget Dunbar (badunbar@smcps.org) with questions.
Mental Health & Wellness Information
Free Counseling Services to SMCPS Students
One-Lunch Updates
What to do during lunch?!
Click here for one-lunch club offerings.
Not sure where to go? Need a planning template to help utilize your time? CLICK HERE
Student Meal Charges
Fast Food Policy
Bus Passes:
Bus passes should only be requested when students have a change in physical address or when there is an emergency situation and a student needs to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. Bus passes will not be granted for students simply wanting to go visit with a friend.
Need to obtain a bus pass?
Parents can write a note or send an email to Ms. Revis at btrevis@smcps.org in order to request a bus pass. All relevant information must be included in the written request.
Bus Information includes: Student name, address, parent phone number, existing bus stop to be used, bus #, date, medical concerns, destination address, destination phone # and reason for the pass
Learn how to create a MySchoolBucks account: click here.
MySchoolBucks & the Media Center
New for 2022, families have the option to pay for lost or damaged resources in My School Bucks. A resource can include: library books, laptops, chargers, textbooks, consumables, etc.
When a media specialist marks anything as lost or damaged in Destiny, that fee AUTOMATICALLY shows up as a "real time fee" in My School Bucks.
Please refer to this information on My School Bucks and your school library.
Need Tech help? Click below!
All Things Parking at LHS
2022-2023 Student Parking Permits
LHS Parking Applications are no longer being accepted for the 2022-2023 school year. No more permits will be issued for the remainder of the school year. Temporary daily parking passes will no longer be issued this year. Our student parking lots are over capacity. We apologize for the inconvenience.The LHS Parking Application for the 2023-2024 school year will be available on the LHS Student Parking page beginning July 2023.
Parking Lot Procedures
Seasonal Parking Pass Letter
LHS Parking Website
Leonardtown High School
Website: http://lhs.smcps.org
Location: 23995 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: 301-475-0200
Twitter: @LHS_SMCPS