Pirate Post
Week of Sept. 4th
Message from Principal Drew...
We had a great first week of school. Thanks to each one of our staff and students for making this week go so smoothly. Most students have received their Chromebooks at this time. If your child has not received their Chromebook please complete all the necessary forms and pay the necessary fees so that your child does not fall too far behind at the beginning of the semester. You may go online to complete forms and submit the $20 fee prior to school on Tuesday so that you child can receive their Chromebook when we return to school later this week.
Keep up to date with athletics schedules through our PIRATE ATHLETICS Google Calendar linked to the PCHS Webpage under the Athletics tab.
Emergency contact and FERPA forms were sent home with students this past week. Please have your child return them to their 2nd period teacher this week. Copies of these forms can also be found on our Facebook page.
The Drama club will begin meeting after school from 3:15-4 every first and third Wednesday. The dues will be 5 dollars for the semester or 10 dollars for the year.
We have many opportunities for students to get involved at PCHS and several will begin this week:
Monday - We will not have school in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
Tuesday - FFA will hold their first club meeting at 7:30 AM in Mrs. Russell's room and Volleyball will play at NECP at 5:00, Girls Basketball will have workouts at 3:20-4:45 PM
Wednesday - JV & Varsity Volleyball will play at Edenton at 4:30 PM & Soccer will host NEAAAT at 5:00 PM
Thursday - FCA will hold their first meeting of the year in the gym at 7:30 AM, Volleyball will host Washington County at 5:00 PM and Soccer will play at Camden at 5:00 PM
Friday - FFA will host a tailgate prior to the football game at 5:00 PM behind the football field and Football will host Portsmouth Christian at 7:00 PM
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
9/19 - FFA Leadership Conference at North Pitt High School
9/26 - Drugs Uncovered is a program presented by Trillium and the POE Center for parents/adults only host at PCHS from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The program targets the parents of upper elementary through high school students. See the school Facebook page for the link to register.
10/10 - Parker Byrd will visit PCHS to speak to our students about facing adversity and overcoming challenges
12/14-12/20 - 1st Semester Final Exams
5/31 - Graduation will take place at 7:30 PM
PCHS Highlights...
Drama Club: The Drama club will begin meeting after school from 3:15-4:00 every first and third Wednesday. The dues will be 5 dollars for the semester or 10 dollars for the year