Panther Parent Update
November 26, 2023
Our School Vision
De Portola welcomes individuality by empowering and developing students’ communication, curiosity, and critical thinking skills through a growth mindset. We are Panthers! Rooooaaaarrrrrrrr!!
Important Dates
11/27 Here and Now Presentations in 7th grade classrooms
11/28 Hancock 5th graders visit
11/29 Kumeyaay 5th graders visit
12/01 SGT 8:00am
12/01 Vista Grande 5th graders visit
12/04 TES 5th graders visit
12/05 Miller 5th graders visit
12/05 DP Foundation Holiday Celebration (offsite)
12/06 Kona Ice at Lunch
12/07 Minimum Day 2:00pm Dismissal
12/12 Walk to Canyon Hills (8th graders)
12/15 Minimum Day 2:00pm Dismissal
01/03 School resumes
01/04 Minimum Day 2:00pm Dismissal
Food Drive Success
The JS2S Club collected 29 boxes of food totaling over 800lbs! Check this video link to see it in action!
Yearbooks on sale now
The De Portola 2023-2024 Yearbook is now on sale for $55 at The price will go up to $60 on March 1st, so get yours early to save a few bucks!
Podcast Club
Podcast club will meet this Wednesday 11/29. Bring your lunch and come to Mr. White's room.
Theatre Rehearsals
Cast of Matilda Jr. rehearsal schedule this week is Tuesday and Wednesday after school until 5pm with a parent meeting on Tuesday at 5pm in Weiner Hall.
Click form below to register for Field Hockey Clinics
Winter Sports sign-ups close on Dec 1.
We currently have a vacancy for our Attendance Clerk. Miss Dora, Finance Clerk, and Mr. Steve, Site Tech, are filling in for now. Please email Miss Dora or Mr. Steven to report absences. Please be sure to state your students full name, grade level, date of birth, and specific reason for absence. You can also email them if you need to pick up your student early. Please provide at least a two hour notice to ensure that we can write and deliver a pass for your student. You can also call the school at 619-605-4800 and press 3 for attendance.
For the 2023-24 school year, De Portola Middle School will provide both BREAKFAST and LUNCH for all students. Breakfast will be served from 8:30-8:45 AM. Students just need their four digit PIN number, which can be found on their schedules.
All families must complete a meal application on paper or online even if your student does not eat cafeteria food. Meal Application and LCFF forms are used to determine funding for our schools. Please complete the forms in the packet.
If you want your student to be able to purchase additional items such as cookies and water bottles, please register at PayPams and you can add money to an account that will align with your child's lunch pin number.