Susie Dasher Elementary School
Week of December 11th
Level Up, Imagineers!
Level Up with PRIDE - Week #19🎮
Greetings, STEAM Family!
We have made it to the final week of the first semester as we continue our celebration of the holiday season with our “Holiday Happenings” dress up days. As a reminder, participation is completely voluntary for eligible students and staff; however, feel free to review the flyer below so that you may plan accordingly should you choose for your child to participate. We had an absolute blast last week getting into the holiday spirit! Also, don't forget there is NO PRIDE AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM THIS WEEK. Please ensure arrangements have been made for your child(ren) to travel home their usual way, and, to ensure safety and well-being, parents and guardians of our bus riders should make sure someone is available to receive your child(ren) upon their arrival at home. While finalizing transportation arrangements for the week, please remember this Friday, December 15th will be an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY for Dublin City Schools. Elementary campuses will dismiss at 11:45 am.
On behalf of the students and staff of Susie Dasher Elementary, we would like to wish all of our stakeholders a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!
Early Release Day This Friday!
'Leveled Up' with Holiday Cheer!
Participation in the various themed days is optional for all eligible students who are eligible. Only dress down attire that is clearly aligned to the "theme" day will be permitted. Otherwise, students should wear their regular school uniform. Please contact the school with any questions or concerns.
Daily Reminders for SDE:
ATTENDANCE MATTERS - Parents, please make sure your child maintains regular attendance and arrives to school in a timely manner. Students are tardy at 8:15 am. Five (5) tardies and/or early dismissals count as one (1) unexcused absence. Student attendance will be a part of criteria used to determine eligibility for school-wide celebrations. Remember, every minute really counts!
- Weekly grade level newsletters will be sent home each Monday, so please check your child's folder and/or book bag.
- The dress code will be enforced DAILY at SDE! Any "Dress Down" days will be communicated in advance. Repeated dress code violations will result in students becoming ineligible to participate in school-wide and/or classroom PRIDE celebrations and events! Please make sure your child adheres to the required dress code. Remember, the P in PRIDE stands for "Personal Responsibility".
District Theme 2023-2024
Monday, December 11th: All library books due to Media Center
Monday, December 11th: LSGT Meeting (4:30 pm)
Tuesday, December 12th: Continuous Improvement Team Mtg (PM)
Tuesday, December 12th: 4th Grade Field Trip to GA Aquarium
Wednesday, December 13th: 'Hometown Holly' Dress Rehearsal (DHS Auditorium - 3:00 - 6:00 pm)
Thursday, December 14th: Classroom (HR) Holiday Celebrations (1:00 pm – 2:30 pm)
Thursday, December 14th: Hometown Holly @ DHS Auditorium (6:00 pm)
Friday, December 15th: Early Release Day; Dismissal for Christmas Break
*DCS students return to campus on Wednesday, January 3rd.
Additional Information
Student Handbook & Code of Conduct 2023-2024
Use the QR code below to check out the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for 2023-2024.
Hard copies are available upon request. Please contact our office at 478-353-8250.
Dublin, Georgia 31021
(478) 353-8250