New Norway School
November 2022
Creating a Culture of Excellence!!
From the Admin Desk
Halloween is over and November has arrived!
New Norway School will be hosting its annual awards ceremonies for secondary students on December 1st, recognizing the accomplishments of students during the 2021/2022 school year.
Our Remembrance Day ceremony this year took place on Tuesday November 8th staring at 10:30 am in the gym.
Just a reminder that Report cards will be distributed on Friday November 18th for grades 1-12.
Winter weather has arrived and as such I would like to remind everyone that it is important for students to dress appropriately for the conditions. Please ensure that your child comes to school with their winter coats, toques, gloves/mittens and winter footwear when needed for the weather conditions.
The protocol for bus transportation during inclement weather will remain the same as last year. On days of inclement weather, bus drivers will make a decision about whether or not it is safe to operate their bus on their route for that day. In the event that one or more buses does not operate, this information will be passed along to the Battle River School Division transportation department and an automated phone fan-out will be initiated for affected routes. In addition information will be updated on the Battle River School Division website with respect to bus operation.
“Take our kids to work” day took place on Wednesday November 2nd and involved grade 9 students who spent the day with their parents at work. We hope you enjoyed your day!
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is looking for donations to help us through the year. Donations could include things like fruit cups, granola bars, cereal and yogurt tubes. Bread items and fresh fruit would also be good. Any questions please email dwilliams@brsd.ab.ca.
Thank you for your continued support.
High School Cup Flipping Halloween Game
High School Jelly Halloween Game
High School Donut Halloween Game
Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair
November 22nd to November 25th.
Learning Commons will be open:
8:30 - 3:15 Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday
8:30 - 4:00 Wednesday
Online link:
Upcoming Events
Nov. 7th- Jersey day
Nov. 17th - Picture Retake day
Nov. 18th- Report cards go home
Nov. 22nd- Parent Council Meeting
Dec. 1st- Early Dismissal
Dec. 1st- Academic Awards night
Dec. 5th- No School for Students (Staff Collaboration day)
Dec. 20th - Christmas sweater/shirt
Dec. 21st Christmas Hat
Elementary K-6 Leadership Assembly and special days for the whole School:
Nov. 3- Hat day
Jan 12- PJ day
Swimming dates:
Grade 3 and 5 Nov. 16th-Nov. 25th (1-1:45pm)
Did you know you can Subscribe to our school calendar.
4.At the top of the calendar you can choose how you would like to link events to your phone.