Understanding Grief
Ways to support your child during this time.
Everybody grieves differently. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, nor is there a magic amount of time that will make it better. There are, however, some helpful things you can do to help the healing process along. Read on to learn how to support someone who may be grieving.
Addressing Grief: Tips for Parents
Develop a better understanding of how to support your child through the grief process.
How to Help a Grieving Teen
How does a teenager respond to grief differently than a younger child? How can I best support them?
Grief Caregiver's Guide
A creation by Sesame Workshop, the non-profit educational organization behind Sesame Street.
5 Stages of Grief
Grief is a process! Someone who is grieving can experience these in any order, and may experience them more than once.
How to survive early grieving
Helping Children Grieve
Positive ways to support your child through the grieving process
Kids and Funerals?
How to prepare your child to say goodbye? Is it better for them to go to the funeral or not?
The Grieving Process: Coping with Death
Grief Storybook
A creation by Sesame Workshop, the non-profit educational organization behind Sesame Street.
Grief after Suicide
Resources and information available specific to individuals who are grieving someone due to suicide.
Coalition to Support Grieving Students
Information for teachers & school staff.
Community Resources
Visit our EMS ISD Counseling page for local resources. Find local and 800 numbers when you need to talk through some concerns or need assistance during times of crisis.
Resource Lists and Quick Reference Emergency and Crisis Numbers
EMS ISD Intervention Counselors
If you have questions or concerns regarding your student or need assistance navigating to specific resources, please contact your student's campus counselor. Campus counselor contact information can be located on your student's school's website.
District Counseling Department Website: http://www.emsisd.com/Domain/69
EMS ISD Intervention Counselors
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