The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 4 Issue - 8/25/2023
Volume 4, Issue 14 - 11/17/2023
“When eating fruit,
remember the one
who planted the tree.”
- Vietnamese Proverb
Thank you, Falcons
That's a wrap on Student Conference week! Even though the days were short, we didn't skimp on the fun each day. On Thursday, our "True Blue Buddies" shared a Thanksgiving meal with their Falcons. Thank you to our dedicated SDUSD School Police officers for your warmth and generosity. Today, we hosted Principal Trueblood from Montgomery Middle School who shared about all the impressive programming going on each day. She also shared about what families can do now to prepare them for middle school now.
We are also thrilled to announce that the hiring committee made a final decision on filling the 4th grade teaching position that was recently opened up. As soon as Human Resources makes the offer of employment official, we'll be sure to share additional details.
When students return on November 27th, they get a VAPA Day! What a way to ease back into the swing of things after a week off. Teachers will spend the day collaborating and analyzing student data from the first trimester to determine their best course of action for the second trimester.
As we enter this season of gratitude and generosity, it is with our sincerest sentiments that we wish you all a gracious Thanksgiving. School will be closed next week and we truly hope you and yours will enjoy this time together.
Student of the Week
This week's Student of the Week is Scout in Ms. Yamashita's Kindergarten/1st grade class. Scout is an outstanding student in kindergarten. He displays many of the qualities described in “The Leader in Me.” Early on, during math explorations, Scout volunteered to assist his classmates using the 10 frame to add and subtract word problems. He frequently asks, “How did you solve the problem?” Scout demonstrates how he solved the problem. He continues, “Sometimes there is more than one way to solve the problem. Here are some examples. You pick one that works best for you.”
Scout also enjoys working with Legos in STEAM. He recently designed and constructed a house for “The Three Little Pigs” that was sturdy, weather proof, and wolf proof. Scout shared his house with his peers. He experimented with structural stability, gravity, and force.
Scout continues to elevate everyone’s thinking in K2 in math and STEAM. He leads by example. Well done, Scout! Thanks for exemplifying what it means to be a leader at Fletcher Elementary School!
Leader In Me Learning at Home
Click the image to view the video.
Highlights of the Week
A few turkeys in 1st Grade 🦃
Thanksgiving Celebration with True Blue Buddies
Coffee with the Principals - Getting Ready for Middle School
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
20-24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
26 - VAPA Day
29 - Minimum Day -School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
5 - Minimum Day - Leader in Me - Family Afternoon
6 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
13 - Minimum Day - Team Meeting
18th - January 2nd - No School - WINTER BREAK
1-2 - No School WINTER BREAK
3 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
10 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
15 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
17 - Minimum Day - School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
22 - VAPA PLC Day
24 - Minimum Day - Team Meeting
31 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
Click the image above for the slide deck from October 20th's Family Friday Mathematics Presentation.
School Accountability Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card for Fletcher Elementary School is online via the above link or available as a hard copy in the front office.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - SDUSD
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD