Friday Features
Our Grateful "P's" in Our PTO
Thanks for Sprucing Up our School
Thanksgiving Feast Reminders
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be held Tues., Nov. 19 at 11:30 AM. RSVP's are overdue at this point, so if your teacher or the PTO has reached out to confirm if your child is attending, please respond ASAP.
REMEMBER - Maschio's food service will NOT be serving any meals on Tuesday the 19th, so if your child is not eating the catered meal, you MUST provide your own food.
The PTO will ensure we have the main course (turkey and all the fixings), but we would appreciate donations of desserts. We'll also need helpers to set up, serve, and clean up from the event. If you can make a dessert contribution or help serve, signup in AtoZ Connect here:
Desserts should be dropped of by 10:30 AM on the 19th.
We're still looking for about 12 more families to participate in our Thanksgiving Centerpiece contest (winner gets $25 to Shoprite and a treat for the kids), you can sign up here:
Centerpieces should be dropped off at the school on Monday the 18th between 10 AM and 4 PM.
Recognize a Teacher or Staff Member
In this month's Gardens' Greetings, Mrs. Binford announced that nominations are now open for Governor's Teacher of the Year and Educational Service Professional of the Year. Don't miss out on this wonderful chance to recognize a dedicated BGS faculty and staff member. You can read more about the eligibility criteria for nominations here.
If you would like to nominate someone, please complete the nomination forms and send it in to Mrs. Binford's attention by 11/27/19.
Dine & Donate: Zinburger on Nov. 21
Read-a-Thon Wrap Up
Our Bears CRUSHED our Read-a-Thon goals. In all, they received pledges of $9560 and read 120,444 minutes! We award final prizes and SLIME our principal and our PTO Co-President at our January school-wide meeting. Now we need to figure out how to makes lots and lots of slime!
If you or your family have outstanding pledges that need to be paid, please send them in to school in an envelope marked "Read-a-Thon", including both the name of your child AND the name of the sponsor(s) whose contributions are included. Your sponsors need to fulfill their pledges by Dec. 6.
Clean Out for a Cause
Our annual TOY SALE will be held on Sat., Dec. 7th from 9 AM - 1 PM at the school. We have had great success with this event over the years and we would like to keep it going. This is a great way to clean out your closets, basements and help your school raise funds!
This event cannot be a success without your donations of gently used toys and bikes - sorry, we can no longer accept stuffed animals. If you would like to donate, donations can be dropped of from 4 - 7 PM on Wed., Dec. 4th and Thurs., Dec. 5th or from 9 AM - 2 PM or 4-7 PM on Fri., Dec. 6. Tax forms will be available.
We need your help to set up for the sale on Friday, December 6 and for the actual sale on Saturday, December 7. Even if its for an hour at pickup, we can use your hands. You can sign up for shifts either day in AtoZ connect:
Setup Signup Sheet is here:
Sale Day Signups are here:
Please contact Michele Fitzgerald at with any questions.
Shop AmazonSmile & Earn for BGS PTO
Dates to Remember
Nov. 14-19 - Conferences - 4 Hour Session
Nov. 19 - Thanksgiving Feast
Nov. 21 - Dine & Donate at Zinburger 11 AM - 10 PM
Nov. 27 - 4 Hour Session
Nov. 28-29 - No School
Dec. 4 - PTO Meeting - 7 PM
Dec. 4 - Toy Sale Donation Window 4-7 PM
Dec. 5 - Toy Sale Donation Window 4-7 PM
Dec. 6 - Toy Sale Donation Window 9 AM - 2 PM & 4-7 PM
Dec. 7 - $1-2-3 & Up Toy & Bargain Bike Sale - 9 AM - 1 PM
Stay in Touch
Bradley Gardens PTO
Briana George, Co-President
Kelly Schmidt, Co-President
Twitter: @PTOBradleyGard