Fayette Central Flyer
September 2021
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Thank-you for all your help in getting us off to a great start.
School picture day is coming up October 8th. All students' pictures will be taken so they can be in our yearbook with their classmates.If anyone happens to be absent on the 8th we will have a retake day later in the fall.
Our first quarter ends on Friday, October 8. Following that we will have our fall conference day on October 13th. Students will not come to school that day so our teachers will have time for professional development in the morning and then through the afternoon and throughout at specially scheduled times the rest of the week we will hold parent/teacher conferences for all of our students. Teachers will have an opportunity to meet with you and discuss first quarter grades and your child's fall testing results.
Fall Break is the next week from October 25 - 29.
If your child is absent more than one day please be sure they have their chrome books at home or have someone come and get it. Your child's teacher can post assignments to their Google Classroom and they can keep up with their work so they are not so far behind when they return. If your teacher has work to pick up they will arrange a time you can have someone come and get it. It is really important your child attempts to keep up so they are not feeling lost when they get back. If they wait to do the work when they return they usually get overwhelmed trying to do the makeup work at the same time they are trying to do their new work with the class. Their teacher will contact them daily to see if they have questions.
Thank-you to our morning car rider parents who drive into the cone zone before letting their children out on the passenger side by the sidewalk. Our tardy bell is set by our computers and rings at 7:55. Anyone arriving after that must enter through the front doors and parents must sign them in. Thank-you for having your students at school on time every day ready to work. Good attendance and getting your children off to a positive start is so helpful to their success in school.
Dismissal time is also a very hectic time for us. Please help us ensure your child gets home the way you desire by letting us know of any changes by 1:00 PM so we have time to alert them of your changes.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Mrs. Lucas' Kindergarten News
Kindergarten is off to an awesome start this year! We spent the first weeks of school learning all of our new routines and procedures, meeting new friends, and learning about our building. As we head into the fourth week of the year we have already grown so much and I am excited for us to be together and have an excellent year.
Our daily routine is becoming more predictable as we have learned most of the big procedures for the day. This includes breakfast, morning work, morning meeting, centers, and cleaning up to go home. These routines help our youngest learners to gain a huge amount of independence at school. We are cleaning up on our own, taking care of supplies, and working independently. As we progress through the year, it is always an amazing sight to see how capable they can be. Kindergarten is my favorite because we grow so much in our short year together! We are also practicing listening, friendship, sharing, taking turns, and problem solving daily.
Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop are huge parts of our daily routine. We are currently working on knowing what that will look like and sound like. In Kindergarten, this means teaching everything from sitting at the carpet, sharing, partner talking, voice level, and how to get out or materials and use them. In Phonics, we are reviewing the letters and sounds of the alphabet. We are also tapping out sounds and beginning to stretch and blend words together. In a few weeks we will begin learning sight words or memory words so that we can learn to read books all by ourselves! In Math, we are learning about one to one counting, counting to 100, and writing our numbers correctly. We will learn to write all the way to 100 before the end of the year. Kindergarten is such an academic space these days and the students certainly rise to the challenge of all they need to know!
Day by day we will become a great Kindergarten family and make lasting memories. I am so excited to see what this year will bring! We have so many milestones and fun activities planned this year. I know they will be able to rock 1st grade by the time we are finished!
Mrs. Haffner's Fourth Grade News
We are movin’ and groovin’ in 4th grade right now! We have been busy practicing all the routines and procedures needed to become successful learners this year. In math, we have started working on the basics of multiplication and division and using different strategies to solve math problems. We practice our math facts every day and using MobyMax to review skills we already know. In reading, we are reviewing the 8 comprehension strategies that good readers use like making connections, inferencing, and visualizing. We are also enjoying listening and laughing to Judy Blume's short novel "Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing" as our class read aloud this month. In writing, we have practiced writing paragraphs with details, topic sentences, and conclusions. The students have also been working hard to brainstorm lists and ideas for some great pieces of writing this year! Social Studies has us learning about Indiana History, specifically the geography that makes our state so unique! We also have been getting in a little computer coding practice through code.org. The students are having a lot of fun with this and learning about a variety of math concepts, problem solving, and practicing teamwork as we learn to code. There is a lot to do in 4th grade this year, and we having been having a lot of fun working through it all together!
Upcoming Events
October 8- Picture Day
October 25- Fall Break