Weekly Newsletter
September 18th, 2023
December 4th - December 8th
Happening this week...
General Annoucements
Senior Trip
- 37 spots left!
- Next payment for senior trip is due on December 11. Please keep your payments current.
- Interested in going to college & making new friends?? If so join Avid for 2nd semester.
- It's time to spread some cheer during the holidays and what better way than with some sweet bread. LSU is selling Conchita Christmas Grams during lunch for $1.00 starting Mon. Nov. 27th until Dec. 8th.
- Attention students for the month of December we will have detention Monday, Tuesday Wednesdays & Thursday. If you have multiple tardies you can come any day to get them out of the way.
Chess Club
- There is a chess tournament taking place December 13 after finals in room 461. 5-Star points and other prizes will be awarded to top players! Teachers are also welcome to come play!
FFA Sock Drive
- FFA Sock Drive- Grace Davis FFA is collecting socks to donate to the Children's Crisis Center. Please bring new pair or pack of socks to RM 500. Students in ag classes can get FFA points or extra credit for participating in the sock drive. Sock drive ends on Dec. 14, 2023 at 1:00 pm
Spartan Wrestling
Varsity Boys were in Turlock this weekend. Congratulations to
- Leo Champagne- 1st place
- Juan Delgado- 1st place
- Demarcus Turner- 2nd place
- Ahmad Faizi- 1st place and outstanding wrestler of the tournament.
Team Placed 6th out of 21 teams.
Our girls were in Porterville this weekend. Congratulations to
- Jasmine Turner for taking 1st place and awarded outstanding wrestler of the tournament.
School Nurse
Students and Teachers: Please remember that in order to maintain student accountability a note is required to go to the Health Office. The only exceptions are before and after school and during lunch.
Monday- 12/4
Club Meetings @Lunch
- Campus Life- Rm 208; Biology Club- Rm 210
Boys Volleyball
- If you are interested in Boys Volleyball and haven't signed up yet. Go to room 603 during lunch time today (12/4)
- Boys Soccer @Pitman -JV@4pm/Varsity@6pm
Tuesday- 12/5
Catch Up Tuesday 3:45-5:00pm
All 11th and 12th grade students with D's and F's go to the library after school to get caught up on work.
Club Meetings @Lunch
- Culinary Club- Rm 408; AVID Club- Rm 461 Academic Decathlon- Rm 817; Robotics- Rm 212
Mock Trial
- There is a mandatory Mock Trial meeting afterschool on Tuesday, 12/5 in Ms. Nunes' classroom.
- Attention gamers! Do you play Valorant or Rocket League? Tryouts for the Valorant and Rocket League teams are in the computer lab after school on Tuesday the 5th. Sign up using the link on Schoology. If you have any questions about esports please see Mrs. Barros in the library during lunch or message her on Schoology.
- Girls Basketball @Modesto High 4:30/6:00/7:15pm
Wednesday- 12/6
5Star Store
5Star Student Store open at lunch!
Club Meetings
- 7:45am: Class of 2024- Rm 207; Class of 2025- Rm 303; Class of 2026- SBO; Class of 2027- SBO
- Lunch: Chess Club- Rm 461; Book Club- Library; Science Bowl- Rm 409; Speech & Debate- Rm 202; BSU- Room 619; Career Club-Career Center; PSA Club- Rm 104
- 3:30pm: Music Club- Rm 700
- Boys Basketball @Buhach Colony 4:30/6:00/7:15pm
- Wrestling @Central Valley
Thursday- 12/7
Wear College Gear
Wear college shirts or sweatshirts!
Club Meetings
7:30am -ASB Business Meeting
Lunch- InterClub Council- SBO; GSA- Rm 101; Academic Decathlon- Rm 817; Robotics- Rm 212; Speech & Debate- Rm 202
- The last FFA meeting of the semester will be Dec. 7, 2023 in rm 500 at lunch. Hot Chocolate and cookies will be provided after the business meeting for all FFA members.
Blackout Bingo Night!
- All ages are invited to Blackout Bingo Night! 5:30-7pm in the Davis High Cafeteria.
- Boys Basketball- Turlock Tournament
Friday- 12/8
Spartan Spirit
Dress in Green & Gold!
Club Meetings
Lunch- Chess Club- Rm 461; Drama Club- Rm 401
3:30pm- Anime Club- Rm 470; Music Club- Rom 700
- Boys Basketball -Turlock Tournament
- Girls Wrestling- Fremont Tournament
Saturday, 12/9 & Sunday, 12/10
Sports- Saturday
- Boys Wrestling- Fremont Tournament
- Boys Basketball -Turlock Tournament