Loveland Update
January 26, No School
Upcoming Events
22 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
23 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
25 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
26 Professional Learning Day-No School for Students
29 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
30 2-3rd GR Music Practice WMS 9:30am -11am
30 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
30 2-3 Music Concert 7PM at WMS
1 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
5 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
5 CC Meeting 6:30 PM
6 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
8 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
12 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
13 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
14 Valentine Parties 2PM
15 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
19 Presidents' Day - No School for Students
20 Professional Learning Day - No School for Students
22 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
26 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
27 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
29 5th GR Holland PAC 8:35am-10:45am
29 Seussical Rehearsal/Library 3:30
Loveland Community Club Website and Directory
The Loveland Community Club Website is up and running! We intend to make this website the hub for all of our Loveland Community Club communication but we need families to register for the site! Right now this site contains general information and our FAMILY DIRECTORY! Make sure to register for the Loveland Community Club website to get FREE access to the directory! Easily get contact info for birthday parties and playdates. Please register for the site using the email you use with Westside Community Schools at https://lovelandcommunityclub.membershiptoolkit.com/
Snow Play Expectations
We're excited to see that snow has arrived. Our classrooms will be taking time to review the school snow play expectations and appreciate your help in doing so at home. During the cold winter months we ask that students wear warm pants and coats. To play in the snow students should bring boots to keep feet warm and dry, snow pants to roll about in the snow, and gloves if wanting to build and dig. We want all students to be able to enjoy the fun-filled time of the year.
Kindergarten Enrollment Information for 2024-25
Kindergarten enrollment for District residents for the 2024-25 school year begins approximately late February 2024. Please check our website at westside66.org to start your enrollment online.
Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024. Parents may wait to enroll their child(ren) in kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska law requires that child(ren) who reach the age of six prior to Jan 1st of the then current school year must be enrolled in school.
For questions about enrollment, please contact the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100 or enrollment@westside66.net
If you live outside of the Westside district and have a child eligible for kindergarten in 2024-25 who has
a sibling attending our schools through the Option Enrollment program, you must submit an option application for your kindergartener. The deadline to apply for Option Enrollment is 4:00 pm on
March 15th.
In addition to kindergarten, you can apply for any other grade level by the same deadline, 4:00 pm on March 15th.
Option Enrollment forms can be completed using this link:
Questions about Option Enrollment, please contact Student Services at 402-390-2107.
Are you a District resident and would like your K-6 grade child(ren) to attend an elementary school in Westside other than the area where you live? The deadline to submit an In-District Transfer request for the upcoming school year is 4:00 pm on March 15th.
An In-District Transfer request form must also be completed for any child starting kindergarten next year who has a sibling attending an elementary school outside of their home attendance area.. The deadline to submit this request is also 4:00 pm on March 15th.
In district transfer forms can be completed using this link: https://forms.gle/EHgruZWb9MH1UBtH8
Questions about In-District Transfers, please contact Student Services at 402-390-2107.
Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance to kindergarten must turn 5 years old between August 1 and October 15, 2024.
For further information regarding early entrance testing, please contact Early Admissions at 402-390-2142.
3PM Dismissal
Every Wednesday we will end the school day at 3:00 pm instead of 3:30 pm. This gives our teachers throughout the District collaboration time by attending weekly professional learning communities. Please plan accordingly to pick your child up at 3PM.
Peer Model Pre-School Information
Loveland Spirit Day
Each first Friday of the month is Loveland Spirit Day. On this day we all wear our Loveland logo wear or school colors, blue and white, to show our spirit.