CB West High School
West Times Newsletter 5.7.18
News from the Guidance Office
AP Testing
AP Testing is underway, and will conclude on Friday, May 18th. To see a complete list of test dates, please see the Testing Page of the Guidance Website. Students’ scores will be made available by College Board online in mid-July. Please visit College Board’s AP Scores page for information about score release dates. Students will need their College Board account information to log in.
Senior Graduation Survey
The Senior Graduation Survey is now open in Naviance (under the “About Me” tab). This survey asks students to indicate their plans for after graduation, as well as collecting other data that is required by the state. Completion of this survey is a graduation obligation; therefore, students will not receive their cap/gown or participate in graduation ceremonies unless the survey is completed. Students viewed an instructional video in Advisory last Thursday, and instructions will also be emailed to both students and parents this week. Seniors have until May 21st to complete the survey.
Summer School
2018 Central Bucks Summer School remedial courses will only be available in an online format, through Educere. There are no Summer School courses available for initial or enrichment credit, with the exception of Health/PE. Detailed information about summer school, including registration links, will be made available by June 1st. Students who wish to take Health/PE in summer school (for either remedial or initial credit) may attend a course taught by a CB instructor, held at Jamison Elementary School. To register for Health/PE, please visit the Community School Website (click “Extra Activities and Summer Programs List > Summer 2018 PE/Health Class at Jamison Elementary” for informational flyer, and a link to My Payments Plus.
Scholarships for Seniors listed in Naviance
There are many local scholarships available to graduating seniors, recognizing achievement in academics, leadership, athletics, community service, and more! All active scholarships and awards are listed in Naviance (Click the “Colleges” Tab, then scroll down to click “Scholarship List.”). By clicking on the name of the scholarship, you can find the description of the award, directions for submission, and the deadlines. Good luck!
Summer/Enrichment Programs listed in Naviance
Many summer programs for rising Juniors and Seniors are listed in Naviance (Click “College” tab, and under “College Research” section, click “Enrichment Programs”). Programs vary from STEM classes to research projects to fashion camps to performing arts opportunities. Check them out today!
Keystone Testing Information
Below is important information about Keystone Assessments for the 2017-18 school year:
Regarding Winter Testing from December 2017 and January 2018:
If your child participated in Literature, Algebra 1, or Biology Keystone Assessments in December or January, their Best Score for each test is now updated in Parent Portal. Please note, you will not be able to see your student's score for each testing date or for each individual module. Individual score reports (which reports their scores from the Winter Testing dates) will be distributed through your student’s advisory the week of April 16th.
Regarding Spring Testing in May 2018:
Students currently enrolled in English 10, Algebra 1, or Biology will be administered the corresponding Keystone Assessment(s) during the month of May:
Blocks 1 and 3
May 14 and May 15
Blocks 2 and 4 (flipped schedule)
May 16 and May 17
Algebra 1 and Biology
Blocks 1 and 3
May 21 and May 22
Algebra 1 and Biology
Blocks 2 and 4 (flipped schedule)
May 23 and May 24
Additional information will be available on the CBW Keystone Assessment Webpage at http://www.cbsd.org/Page/25869. This webpage includes resources to help students prepare for the assessments.
State Assessment Proficiency Requirements:
Currently, PDE requires students in the class of 2020 and beyond to have reached proficiency on each of the three Keystone Exams prior to graduation. Students will be scheduled to retest if proficiency is not reached on the first attempt. We will continue to monitor and communicate any information from PDE pertaining to this graduation requirement.
Keystone Retake Procedures:
Typically, students are invited to retest the following school year when scheduled for their next math, English, or science course. However, if students who tested in December or January would like to schedule a May retest, please contact Mr. Hoffman at dhoffman@cbsd.org.
The Central Bucks School District offers a standardized testing prep system, ePrep, to all its students. This free web-based program helps students prepare for the PSAT, SAT and ACT. There are practice tests, test-taking tips, and instructional videos that explain how to do the problem(s) that may have been answered incorrectly during the practice session. The link is http://www.eprep.com.
All CB West sophomores have been registered with accounts. They should log in with their CBSD student email and the password eprep2017. Juniors and seniors who are interested in accessing ePrep but do not have an account should contact Ms. Graney in the CB West Library for an account.
Final Exam Dates
The Final Exam schedule is as follows:
June 12th - World Language, Business and other Electives
June 13th – English and Science
June 14th – Math and Social Studies
Students are not permitted to take final exams earlier than the scheduled date and time. June 12th and 13th will be regular full school days and final exams will occur throughout the day. On June 14th, the math final exam will be administered from 7:30 – 9:00 and the Social Studies final exam will be from 9:15 – 10:45. Make up exams will occur on June 14th at 11:00.
Please refer to this final exam permission slip memo regarding June 14 that will be distributed on May 10 in advisory. The permission slip is due to the student’s advisor by May 31.
Central Bucks School District Communication Survey
Please be sure to complete the communication survey that was recently emailed to parents by CBSD.
Don't forget to reserve your child an Antler yearbook for this school year - books can be reserved until May 12th. After that, they will only be sold on a first come, first served basis. You can order books online at www.jostens.com or by filling out an order form, available on the Antler website.
4th Marking Period Policy Violation Notification
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 marked the beginning of the 4th Marking Period. Any Senior determined to be in violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy during the 4th Marking Period, will not participate in commencement activities.
News from the Class of 2018
- The 2018 Senior Prom “Tale as Old as Time” will be held on June 1st at 7 pm at Spring Mill Country Club, Ivyland, PA.
- Seniors can purchase tickets at mypaymentsplus.com for $65 per ticket from May 1st to May 7th and $70 a ticket from May 8th to May 25th.
- There are no guest forms for out-of-school guests. All information for out-of-school guests must be provided when purchasing tickets through mypaymentsplus.com.
- Sign-ups for table assignments must be completed when purchasing tickets through mypaymentsplus.com. Tables seat 12 people.
- Students will NOT be allowed to enter the prom after 8 pm or be allowed to leave prior to 10 pm.
- Students will NOT receive tickets until all obligations have been cleared. Obligations may be cleared in the 12th Grade Office.
- Students attending the prom MUST be in school on June 1st or they will not be admitted to the prom.
- All seniors will be dismissed the day of the prom at 10:49 am following a class meeting with Dr. Caughie.
- Do not bring any valuables (there is no coat check), large purse/bags, backpacks, or water bottles to the prom.
Senior Walk--New Tradition at CB West
The first annual Senior Walk is an opportunity for students to visit their elementary schools, (in caps and gowns), to see their teachers, and inspire our elementary students to work hard in school. The Senior Walk will take place on Friday, June 8. Participating Seniors will be dismissed from CB West at 1:30 and must provide their own transportation to their elementary schools. Please click here for an application. Applications to participate are due no later than Wednesday, May 30.
Graduation DVD Order Form
Please click here to find the Graduation DVD order form.
Senior Picnic and Graduation Practice will be held on Thursday, June 14 at 11:00.
Graduation will be held on Friday, June 15 at 4:15.
Please click here to find all details related to graduation practice and the graduation ceremony.
CB Student Technology Showcase
Mark Your Calendars! The District will be hosting our first CB Student Technology Showcase
When: May 10th from 6:00-8:00pm
Where: CB South Cafeteria
Who Should Attend: All ages and audiences are welcome!
Description: Come celebrate the variety of ways educational technology is being used in K-12 classrooms throughout the district to achieve collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical-thinking. All 23 schools will be represented through student-led exhibits. This will be a fun evening for all ages with prize giveaways, interactive exhibits, and food sales that will benefit a variety of CB South Clubs. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Summer Fun Camps
Congratulations MBIT Students
Travis Manion Workout Day
Last Sunday, the Travis Manion Club at Central Bucks West High School, hosted its first annual Travis Manion Workout Day at War Memorial Field. The event also known as “Honoring Hometown Heroes,” was co-chaired by senior, Chloe Miller Russo and Junior, Tyler Dalzell and was attended by about 80 people from West and the Doylestown community. Participants pushed their workout a little farther as a sacrifice to those who serve as military, veterans or first-responders in our community. The workout consisted of a 400-meter run and then 29 reps of a body weight exercise and was completed seven times. Thanks to all of the students and community members who joined with us to Honor our Hometown Heroes.
West boys track and field is currently ranked 4th in the District One Power Rankings!
CB West boys track and field had a banner day at the Penn Relays.
Congratulations to:
- Ben Bunch, Luke Fehrman, Jake Claricurzio, and Brian Baker for placing 9th in the Championship of America Distance Medley Relay, setting a new school record, and posting the 2nd best time in the state this season.
- Fehrman, Nick Ferrentino, Roman Katona, and Baker for placing 3rd in the Greater Philadelphia Area 4x400m Relay Championship.
- Ferhman, Ferrentino, Katona, and Claricurzio for placing 2nd in the Suburban National 4x400m Relay and posting the 3rd fastest time statewide this season.
At the CB West Relays:
- Owen Shields, Jake Claricurzio, Luke Fehrman, and Brian Baker posted the 3rd best time in the state this season in the 4x800m relay.
At Pennridge’s Helman Invite:
- Claricurzio, Baker, and Fehrman posted PA#4, PA#14, and PA#19 performances among all classifications statewide in the 800 meters.
- Luke Benson is currently ranked 5th in the state with a fully automatically timed 10.78 100m – a new school record!
CB West National Art Honor Society Students Instruct the Teachers
Summa Dinner
About Us
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30
Location: 375 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools
Twitter: @CBWestHS