Adams Allstars Weekly Update
Friday, December 1, 2023
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Adams Elementary Student Council is Collecting Toys for those less fortunate
Over the next two weeks, the Adams Elementary Student Council will be collecting gifts (from infant to early teen) for the children of Colette's Children's Home in Huntington beach. This is a great opportunity to help those less fortunate during this holiday season.
Gifts should be unwrapped and will be collected on Wednesdays and Fridays over the next three weeks from the classrooms. We hope that everyone will be able to participate this holiday season.
Adams Elementary Pottery Night
Adams PTA will be holding our Family Pottery Night again this year. We will have lots of cool, fun, and cute ceramics to paint. They make excellent Christmas gifts! We will also have pictures with Santa again! Family Pottery Night will be held on Friday, December 1, 2023 from 5pm to 8pm.
Pyramid of Success Winners: Cooperation
Congratulations to our students who exemplified cooperation in November. For the next three weeks, we will be focusing on Self-Control and Determination:
Self Control: “Discipline yourself so others do not have to do it for you! Be in control of how you behave. Good judgement requires SELF-CONTROL of your feelings. Bad judgement comes from poor SELF-CONTROL. How can you perform at your best when you are using bad judgement?”.
Determination: Success takes a lot of time and will bring a lot of set-backs. Don’t quit; don’t back down; keep trying time and time again! You may have to start over. Your may have to go around, or over, or under. But, do not quit! Stay the course. Quitters will not succeed because success takes a lot of determination”.
Upcoming Holiday Performances
Please see the flyers for our Adams Elementary music program holiday performances coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Attendance Matters
Last week, Mrs. Gealer's class had the best attendance of the week. AMAZING work. EVERY student was here EVERY day!!! This year, Adams Elementary has a goal of 94% attendance each and every day. Students absent more than 10% of the school year are designated as chronically truant. about learning.
Adams Elementary currently has the following attendance rates:
TK 96.3%
K 94.2%
1st 93.4%
2nd 93.9%
3rd 94.3%
4th 96.0%
5th 95.0%
6th 95.2%
Overall 94.6%
2nd Grade Accelerated Award Winners
The following 2nd graders met their AR goals. We encourage every student to read books and then test through the AR system in order to meet their reading goals.
Information on accelerated reader: AR is a computer program that helps educators manage and monitor children's independent reading practice. Children select a book at their independent reading level and read at their individual pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer.
Adams Spirit Wear Store Now Open!!!
Check out all of the new designs for Adams Elementary Spirit wear. Orders must be received by December 20, 2023.
PTA Family Night Out on 12/14 at Mountain Mike's Pizza
Mark your calendar for our next Dine-Out Fundraiser at Mountain Mike's Pizza on Thursday, December 14th. 20% of all DINE-IN and PICK-UP orders will come directly back to the school PTA. The Chargers and the Raiders are facing off for Thursday night football, so it's the perfect night to get some pizza! Call ahead, pick it up on your way home, or dine in the restaurant (unfortunately no online or app orders will be credited). As always, don't forget to bring in your flyer or say you are supporting Adams Elementary!
Important upcoming Dates
12/4-12/8 2nd-6th grade students complete STAR Reading Assessment
12/6 Shelter In Place Drill (Earthquake) and Evacuation Drill at 8:30 am
12/8 ELAC-English Learner Advisory Committee in the MPR at 8:20 am
12/15 Principal's Coffee in the MPR. Focus on safety procedures at 8:20 am
12/15 Vision and Hearing Screening
12/19 Adams Orchestra Performs at Snoopy House at 5:30 pm
12/22 Early Release Friday, students out at 1:00 pm
12/25-1/5 Winter Recess, Adams Elementary closed
Adams Elementary Spring Afterschool Enrichment
Parking Lot Reminders
Safety is one of our top priorities in the parking lot for our school community. Our parking lot is open for drop off from 7:50-8:15. Please review the guidelines below as it is important all cars that enter our parking lot follow the procedures, be patient and treat our Adams Staff with respect as they support students arriving safely.
- The parking lot is for staff parking ONLY.
- There is one route into the parking lot for parents. Please enter on the right side of the cones near the curb.
- Do not drop off until you reach the straight section of the parking lot.
- Do not stop if there is space in front of you. You need to drive to the tail of the next car or the end of the long red curb to create space for additional cars to drop off.
- Students need to exit on the side where the sidewalk is not on the parking lot side.
- If this is not possible you need to park on the street and walk your students to school.
- Parents are not to get out of the car to help their student as we need to keep the line moving forward.
- If you need to get out of the car you need to park on the street.
- The line can get long so we ask for your patience as we make sure our students are safe.
- Parking along the curb in the Red Zone (parking lot or front of the school) is prohibited.
Did You Know?
Friendly Reminders
- We want our students to be successful in school and for this to be achieved we need the parents support. Parents, please make sure your student does not bring any toys to school. Also, if your student has a cellphone, remind your student the cellphone cannot be used during school hours. This also includes recess and lunch time. We thank you for your cooperation!
- Early Pick Ups- If you need to pick up your student early please do so by 2:30 as we are seeing an influx of parents coming about 10 minutes before the bell to pull their student which is causing a disruption as the teachers are helping all students pack up and the turnaround is quick.
- Birthday Celebrations - Our school does not do birthday celebrations, please do not bring cake, cupcakes, or candy to celebrate birthdays. We celebrate our All Stars calling out their name at the flag deck each day to celebrate them.
PTA Calendar of Events
Community Resources
Kids Coping Plus
Mental Health Center Activities for the family at Melinda Hoag
Free English Classes (ESL)
Learn English with highly trained instructors. Childcare will be provided!
Mondays through Thursdays from 10am to 12:30pm
For information call 949-764-6551
2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Phone: (714) 424-7935
Press 2 for attendance line
Fax (714) 424-4701
Follow us on Instagram @adamsallstarsnmusd