Imagine-Chancellor Chargers
January 2024 Newsletter
As we welcome the promises of a new year, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for a joyous 2023! May 2024 be filled with joy, growth, and countless opportunities for success.
As we reflect on the achievements and challenges of the past year, I am grateful for the dedication and hard work of our students, teachers, staff, and parents. Together, we have created an enthusiastic and supportive learning community that continues to thrive.
The start of a new year brings with it a sense of renewal and the chance to set new goals. Let us embrace the possibilities that lie ahead and work collaboratively to achieve academic excellence and personal growth. May this year be marked by curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning.
I encourage each member of our Imagine-Chancellor family to approach the coming year with a positive mindset and a determination to make the most of every opportunity. Let us support one another and celebrate the many talents and accomplishments that make our school community truly special.
As we embark on this new chapter together, I want to express my gratitude for your ongoing support. Our collective efforts have made Imagine-Chancellor a place where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. I am confident that the year ahead will bring even greater achievements and milestones.
I wish everyone a healthy, prosperous 2024. Thank you for your continued support and always remember we are STRONGER TOGETHER!
With love and appreciation,
Ms. Standley
Positivity Project Character Strengths for January
Positivity Project will continue on our campus with a focus on Positivity in Action and the Other People Mindset. Below are the character strengths we will be focusing on each week during the month of January.
Prudence- Week of January 9th-12th
Optimism- Week of January 16th-19th
Perseverance- Week of January 22nd-26th
Self-Control Week of January 29- February 2nd
A new resource Positivity Project is offering this year is P2 for Families!
This is an easy way for families to discuss the importance of character strengths and positive relationships. It is differentiated for various grade levels and includes 1 quote, 1 video and 3 questions to drive conversations around character at home.
The Main Event of the Year | Save the Dates
Imagine Schools Chancellor Campus families!
We are excited to kick off our Imagine Chancellor Fun Run & Color Run on 02/08/2024. Our goal is to raise $25,000 for an informational digital sign to strengthen communication across our school community.
Our school has always relied on fundraising to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student learning and we need YOUR HELP registering your student(s) and sharing with friends and family.
Mark your calendars for the Imagine Chancellor Fun Run & Color Run fundraiser kicking off soon!
Key dates to remember:
● Imagine Chancellor Fun Run & Color Run Kick Off - 02/08/2024
● Event Day Schedule - 02/16/2024
- K-2 9:00-9:45 am
- 3-5 10:15-11:00 am
- Middle School 2:30-3:15 pm
We are grateful for our Imagine Schools Chancellor Campus family! Thank you for your support this year.
Imagine-Chancellor's Annual Toy Drive
Season of Giving
Thank you Imagine-Chancellor families for donating food to benefit our annual Food Drive benefiting Feeding South Florida. Leadership students sorted the food and packed the boxes to deliver to the location. We were able to collect over two hundred pounds of food! #kindness #joyfulseason
Positivity in Action
Early Sign-Outs
No students shall be released after 2:30 pm unless the principal/designee determines it is an emergency.
All schools will establish procedures for early release that ensure that all students are treated consistently.
Excessive early sign-outs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to determine if there is a pattern of non-attendance. Non-attendance for instructional activities is established by tardiness, early-sign outs, or absences for all or any part of the day.
Unless excused under the provisions of this policy, accumulated early sign-outs will be recorded as unexcused absences. (F.S. 1003.02)
High Ridge Road Student Drop Off and Pickup NOT PERMITTED
Visitor Policy
Student Tardiness
Student achievement is of utmost importance at Imagine-Chancellor. Teachers must maximize instructional minutes to promote student learning success. Tardies are a major disruption to the learning environment and student learning. Students miss extremely important intervention/enrichment time. Additionally, learning stops while the tardy student settles into his/her seat.
Student tardies continue to be a problem. We strongly encourage families to ensure their child(ren) are setup for success each morning by arriving to school on time. The instructional day starts at 8:30 am. Therefore, it is expected for all students to be in their seat ready to learn at this time. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Helpful Hint: Morning arrival car lines have extremely little to no traffic between 8:00-8:15 am.
Daily Arrival Procedures
Students who are enrolled in before care will be able to enter the campus daily from 7:15-7:45 am off of High Ridge Road. Parents will receive special car tags to identify as before care students.
- Access to the school off High Ridge Road will not be accessible from 7:45 am-8:45 am.
Parents who are not enrolled in before care will enter the campus off of Miner Rd following traffic down Imagine Way. Gates will be open to all students at 7:50 am each morning. All other students will not be permitted to enter campus prior to 7:50 am.
- Parents are NOT PERMITTED to drop off their students on High Ridge Rd. All car riders must go through the car line.
Dismissal Procedures
Staggered dismissal times will remain the same:
K-2- 3:00 pm
3rd-5th- 3:15 pm
6th-8th- 3:30 pm
Dismissal Sides
K-2: South side of the school
K-8 students with siblings: South side of the school
3rd-8th students without siblings: North side of the school
· All students will remain in their classroom during dismissal
· PikMyKid will be utilized as our dismissal program
· Parents must check-in using the PikMyKid app or provide the designated staff member the assigned dismissal number for their child(ren). Please place your PikmyKid dismissal tag on your rear view mirror or dashboard for staff to easily see.
· Gates will be open to all students at dismissal times. Dismissal traffic will flow down Imagine Way (back road off of Miner Rd) and onto north or the south side of the campus based off your child(ren)'s designated side.
· If you have multiple children in different grade levels, please come at the oldest child’s release time to pick up all of your children on the SOUTH SIDE of the school.
· Please do not come earlier than your child’s assigned dismissal time. Parents that have children in grades 3-8 that come early will be directed to go around and come back at their assigned time.
School Uniforms
InUnison will remain our school uniform vendor for this school year. All of the shirt colors will remain the same as well as the shorts/pants colors. If you wish to order online for this year, the link to the uniform website is below.
Imagine Chancellor
Email: stephanie.standley@imagine-chancellor.com
Website: imagine-chancellor.com
Location: 3333 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, FL, USA
Phone: 561-585-1189
Facebook: facebook.com/imagine-chancellor
Twitter: @chancellor_bb