50/50 Tuition Expedition Raffle
Get a chance to WIN BIG and support the FFE!
Tickets for the 2024 Tuition Expedition 50/50 Raffle are on sale!
The Tuition Expedition Raffle benefits not only the Grand Prize and second prize winners, but the district as a whole! The funds raised from the raffle go to support the Foundation For Excellence's mission to give back to K-12 education through classroom grants.
Tickets are $50 each or 3 for $100
Only 1000 tickets are sold
Tickets are only available for in-person purchase.
Drawing is March 18th at the WLCSD PTA Reflections Celebration at Walled Lake Western. Need not be present to win
Grand Prize: 50% of proceeds for post secondary scholarship funds
(or 40% lump sum for a cash payout)
Second Prize: $1000
- We will hold the scholarship funds until you request them (up to 20 years) but they must be paid out within 4 years of the first payment
- Scholarship Funds can be split between multiple students as long as they are paid out within 4 years of the first payment.
- An additional 29.75% in taxes will be withheld from lump sum option (required by IRS)
Tickets are being sold in person so please email JackieGurwin@wlcsd.org or fill out the form below to be contacted about your ticket purchase.
Raffle License #R66571
I could win 50%? What exactly does that mean?
2023: $10,705 (lump sum equivalent would have been $6,059 after taxes)
2022: $10,321
2021: $10,363
2020: $4,895 (lump sum option was selected)
2019: $13,350
2018: $13,325
Where can I buy a ticket?
We will also be at various district events such as performing arts concerts and plays, athletic events, and board meetings in the next few months with tickets to sell.
Finally, you can request a ticket by filling out the Google Form linked in the button below and an FFE board member will contact you to get you your tickets.
Seller of the winning ticket gets $100!
New this year, we are adding a $100 prize to the person who sells the Grand Prize ticket. If you want to help us sell tickets and get a chance at $100, reach out to Jackie Gurwin at 248-956-2116 or JackieGurwin@wlcsd.org
Have other questions? Please contact the Foundation for Excellence Office: 248-956-2116 or email JackieGurwin@wlcsd.org
Mrs. Stauss's excited class!
A student Thank You note
Chalk markers for science
Foundation For Excellence
Email: JackieGurwin@wlcsd.org
Website: wlcsd.org/tuitionexpedition
Location: 850 Ladd Road, Building D, Walled Lake, MI 48390
Phone: 248-956-2116
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoundationForExcellenceWLCSD
Twitter: @ffewlcsd