The Paw Print
December 11-15, 2023
What's Happening This Week
Monday 12/11
Student Council Toy Drive
Holiday Gram Sales
2:15 - Chess masters
Tuesday 12/12
Student Council Toy Drive
Holiday Gram Sales
Flag Ceremony
9:45 - Running Club @ recess
2:15 - Play Rehearsals
Wednesday 12/13
Wear College/Career Gear
Student Council Toy Drive
Holiday Gram Sales
1:15 Dismissal
Thursday 12/14
Student Council Toy Drive
Holiday Gram Sales
9:45 - Running Club @ recess
7:00 - 6th Grade Camp Parent Meeting
Friday 12/15
Student Council Toy Drive
Holiday Gram Sales
2:15 - Ice Cream Sales
Coming Up...
12/18 - Chess Masters Ends
12/25-1/5 - Winter Break
1/8 - After School Enrichment: Creative Studios
1/10 - Dine Out @ Rubios
1/12 - Funky Friday & ice cream sales
1/15 - NO SCHOOL
1/22-26 - Great Kindness Challenge Week
Reflex and Frax Information
Attendance Line ~ 714-986-7110 and press 3
If students are out ill, please call the office to clear absences.
Brookhaven PTA
- 12/11 Holiday Gram Sales begin (see information below)
- 12/15 Bear Hug Store
- 12/21 Holiday Grams Delivered
1/8 PTA Meeting
1/10 Restaurant Night: Rubios
1/12 FINAL 6th Grade Camp Payment due
1/12 Funky Friday
Holiday Grams
Holiday Grams will be on sale the week of December 11-19, 2023. Visit the table in front of the Kindergarten yard or download here! All grams are $1 each and proceeds goes to 6th graders for Science Camp.
Monday - 7:30-8:00 a.m.
Tuesday - 2:00-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 7:30-8:00 a.m. AND 1:00-1:30 p.m.
Thursday - 2:00-2:30 p.m.
Friday - 7:30-8:00 a.m. AND 2:00-2:30 p.m.
Aladdin, Jr. Play Information
Rehearsals on Tuesdays at 2:15pm for grades K-6th.
Show dates: February 1-3rd, 2024 and El Dorado PAC. For more information, contact Michelle at brookhavenmusical@gmail.com
The Building Blocks of Success: 20 Minutes of Math & Reading Each Day
Reading and mathematics skills are the foundational building blocks for all other areas of learning, including science, social studies, and even technical fields. By building a strong foundation in these areas, students will successfully grasp more advanced, complex concepts.
Help your student build a strong foundation for success, spend 20 minutes each evening practicing math fact fluency and reading with your student. Learn more and access district-provided online resources at www.pylusd.org/buildingblocks.
Community News
Girl Scout Opportunity
Girl Scouts of Orange County is hosting a celebration of the Girl Scout's favorite alumna!
Girls will make friendship bracelets, glam up and dance to their favorite hits while making new friends and learning about Girl Scouts.
Learn more and RSVP at www.girlscoutsoc.org/discovergs
Questions? Contact Megan Cross at mcross@girlscoutsoc.org