The BOE Recap
August 17th, 2023

February 12th, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting
Watch The Meeting Recording Below:
1. Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
The agenda was approved.
3. What's Good in 109
Mr. Steckling presented the monthly What's Good in 109 report:
- We welcomed incoming kindergarteners to district office last week for our registration completion event! Thanks to Ms. Schroeder for her work on the theme and decorations as we help our new students sail away to kindergarten!
- Kipling kindergarteners celebrated Groundhog Day last week by watching and predicting what Phil would do. We showed a fun video of them celebrating.
- Walden 1st graders made kazoos. They had different materials to work with and had to experiment with different combinations to see what produced the best sound quality.
- Three Caruso students were recently recognized with awards for their submissions to the Google Film Festival. You can see their videos by following the link on the district's Facebook page.
- South Park kindergarteners recently celebrated the 100th day of school through some creative art projects and also by explaining what they would spend $100 on. Hint: a lot of pets.
- Wilmot 1st graders recently completed animal research projects and presented their findings to the class. Thanks to Mrs. Vidakovic for sharing pictures!
- Shepard is our featured school tonight:
- Students that rose the highest on MAP testing got to throw a pie at the teacher of their choice! We showed a short video clip.
- 6th grade scientists are showcasing phases of the moon through creative ways (including Oreos).
- 8th graders got a powerful VR experience exploring Anne Frank's house.
Our featured guests were the conference champion 7th grade boys basketball team! (pictured below)
Our student presenters were 7th graders from Shepard. They, along with teachers Mr. Brown and Mr. Deutsch, walked the board through an interactive trade activity that students did in class with a lot of important lessons. Pictures are below... and you can click on the link to watch their portion of the meeting.
4. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Simeck highlighted the Caruso staff which has launched a Tabata workout challenge in an effort to get students moving and give them some brain breaks. He was also asked to participate.
At Kipling, he attended a wonderful poetry reading in the "Be Our Guest" cafe hosted by Ms. Guest's 5th graders. It was incredible how the entire process was student-led and directed.
It was great to have Dev Heitner in town a few weeks ago for a community learning opportunity on her book, "Growing Up in Public." We look forward to future opportunities for community learning, especially if we can work with our neighboring districts.
Mr. Simeck recently traveled to Washington with officials from True North and other local educators to meet with lawmakers and their staffers. He also attended the NSBA Advocacy Institute. This week, he will be presenting at the National Conference on Education on “Partnership for Change: Transforming Schools for Inclusion and Eliminating Segregation.”
Kindergarten registration is ongoing and we encourage everyone to register as early as possible for next year. This helps us best staff and plan for the upcoming year.
Soon, families will receive sign-up information for spring parent/teacher conferences. Mr. Simeck encourages everyone to partake in conferences, as it’s a valuable opportunity to learn more about your child.
5. Community Participation Relative to Matters on the Meeting Agenda (Policy 2:230)
There were no speakers present.
Informational Items
6.1. Freedom of Information Requests (Policy 2:250)
Dr. Filippi presented a number of items to the board that are detailed in the posted packet.
6.2. Winter Assessment Update
Dr. Arnold presented along with Mr. Jason Jezuit, Director for Learning. Dr. Arnold showed winter sel and MAP data.
In summary, as compared to national peers, the responses of students in 109 continue to be above the mean with the exception of Grit (K-8) and ENgagement (6-8).
Middle school students report growth in all areas from the fall survey with the exception of Engagement, which remained neutral.
Elementary school students responded less favorably in the areas of Growth Mindset (-4), Engagement (-3), and Emotional Regulation (-2). Schools are continuing to uniquely support individual students, classrooms, and families at these grade levels.
There is robust discussion across buildings on the intertwining relationship between SEL and Academics.
They reviewed expected growth data by grade. In math this winter, all grades had green growth with the exception of 6th grade (blue = higher than expected) and 5th grade (yellow = lower than expected). Reading growth is green (expected) across all grades.
You can watch their presentation in full, which includes slides with the above information, by clicking below.
6.3. Consultant Agreement: Middle School Principal
Mr. Simeck presented the contract for Dr. Theresa Dunkin, who will serve as the interim principal for Shepard Middle School for the balance of the school year.
6.4. Policy: First Reading
The following policies were given a first reading: 1:30, 2:20, 2:120, 2:200, 2:220, 2:230, 4:10, 4:30, 4:60. 4:130, 4:160, 5:200, 5:210, 5:220, 5:250, 5:330, 6:15, 6:50, 6:60, and 6:230
6.5. 2024-2027 Custodial Services Bid Results
Dr. Filippi presented the bids to the Board for its consideration.
6.6. Draft 2024-2025 Regular Board Meeting Schedule
Mr. Simeck presented dates for 2024-2025 to the board for its consideration. They will be up for action at a future board meeting.
Action Items
7.1. Consent Agenda*
7.2. Recommendation to Approve a Consultant Agreement: Middle School Principal
The contract for Dr. Theresa Dunkin was approved.
8. Committee Reports
Mrs. Jakymiw shared an update from True North.
President Montgomery said that the Executive Development Committee is meeting on the 28th.
9. Open Community Participation
There were no speakers present.
10. Board/Superintendent Other
President Montgomery thanked the Teaching & Learning Department for their very informative and data-driven presentation tonight. She thanked Dr. Fisher for all of his policy work.
11. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.