HSSL Weekly Parent Update
News/Updates in around the HSSL Community
📱 Parent Teacher Conference Tomorrow!
Spring parent teacher conferences are tomorrow, Wednesday May 18th from 4:30-8pm. If you have not done so already use the form below to schedule an appointment with your child's teachers.
*Due to the volume of appointments your child's teacher may not be able to call you during your prefered time slot but will make every effort to contact you during the conferences or schedule a follow meeting.
If you have an questions or concerns during conferences myself and guidance counselors Ms. Dorancy and Ms. Celestine will be availble on google meet
Council Woman Rita Joseph Visit HSSL📢
The council woman paid us a visit to see some of the outcomes of our Microsoft TEALS partnership in action!
🚨 Parent Association Town Hall Tonight!
Dear HSSL Families,
Tonight is our parent association town hall, where the nominees for our executive board come out to explain why they are good candidates for 2023-2024 executive board. The town hall is virtual and parents will have the opportunity to ask our candidates questions about their plans for the parent association next year. The login information is below:
Executive Board Nominee Town hall
Wednesday, May 17 · 7:30 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dnz-xbwd-ewv
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 402-284-0206‬ PIN: ‪370 217 903‬#