Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 03 - February 25 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
What a beautiful week we have had
We finished off the week with a fabulous tabloid block, organised by Puke Haupapa students. The Year 8 students ran the events and the Y7s showed their leadership by leading the teams they were mentoring in. Many thanks to all staff, especially Tracy White and Cody Huta for the organisation.
Friday 5 March
This is a long standing arrangement we have around Taranaki Anniversary Weekend trying to cause least disruption where possible. We are mindful this year, with a later start this may cause inconvenience. Our last day for the school is Friday 16 December to make up for the later start at the beginning of the year.
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 377 Students
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 4
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
Jasmin Charles-Wilson
For being a kind and caring friend towards others. You always have a positive attitude towards learning and you work hard to display REACH values. Keep up your outstanding effort Jasmin!
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 & Y6
Kalaeis Semau
For always having a positive, kind attitude towards others. You are a fantastic role model and are a superstar in Waiongana iti. Keep it up Kalaeis!
Drain Master Ltd Y3 & Y4
For being a REACH role model and having a positive attitude in her learning. Always being a superstar in class.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 & Y8
Jaxon Lima
For showing resilience and having a fantastic start to IPS. Your positive attitude and friendly nature are an asset to our class. You are a superstar. Well done, Jaxon!
Parent Communication / concern flow chart
Collecting Children Early From School
School Gala - 20 March
School students and staff along with Parentlink are holding a gala day on Saturday 20th March 2021 10.00am-2.00pm at school and we need extra helpers on the day to make this a success. Many hands make light work.
Your child’s teacher has probably let you know what their class is doing at the gala and have asked for parent helpers. Could you please let your teacher know if you are able to help. We will also need extra helpers to run other events like a big dig and helping on the bbq. It does not need to be for the whole day any time you have available would be appreciated. Please email the Parentlink team at
We have been offered some firewood to raffle off at the gala but no transport. If anyone has a z trailer with a cage that could be spared for a week or so could you please email Parentlink.
We are hoping to raise enough funds to finance shade sails over the junior and senior playgrounds to keep our children safe. We are looking forward to this event and hope to make it an annual day out for the Inglewood Primary School community.
Thank you
Parentlink Team
Firewood Raffle
Term 1 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 25 February
Tabloids Day at IPS
Monday 1 March - Friday 12 March
Life Education Trust Visiting
Panitahi Trip - Ballet TSB Showplace
Wednesday 3 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 5 March
Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Monday 8 March
Taranaki Annivesary Day - School Closed
Wednesday 10 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Tuesday 16 March
Vision & Hearing Testing
Wednesday 17 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Thursday 18 March
Year 7 & 8 Immunisations
Saturday 20 March
Inglewood Primary School Gala Day
Monday 22 March
IPS Swimming Sports Y5 - Y8 at the Inglewood Town Pools
Wednesday 24 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 29 March - Thursday 1 April
Camp Y7 & Y8 - Wellington
Wednesday 31 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 2 April
Good Friday - School Closed
Monday 5 April
Easter Monday - School Closed
Tuesday 6 April
Easter Tuesday - School Closed for all schools
Wednesday 7 April
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 12 April
Town v Country Swimming - Stratford Pools
Wednesday 14 April
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 16 April
Last day of Term 1
Monday 3 May
First day of Term 2