Board Meeting Summary
January 18th, 2023
General Information
At 6:31 pm, President Snider called the Waiver Modification for Driver's Education meeting to order. Superintendent Kashner commented that this is a renewal process that allows our district to have driver's education in the summer. Upon adjourning this hearing, the public hearing concerning the intent of the BOE to sell working cash fund bonds was held. Superintendent Kashner outlined that the bond and interest tax rate will stay the same. At 6:43 pm, the regular January meeting was called to order. The consent agenda was approved including board bills and providing permission for Dr. Kashner to start working on the FY24 budget. During board input the BOE agreed to send out questions to candidates running for the school board in April. Superintendent Kashner was asked to compile the questions submitted for review at the February meeting. No visitors were present. During communications, Superintendent Kashner shared the PreK report and announced a project manager change on the upcoming elementary addition project.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Old Business
In Old Business, the BOE approved the Driver's Education waiver and the Eastland Junior/Senior High School curriculum guide.
New Business
In New Business, the BOE heard a mid year financial report. Superintendent Kashner highlighted that expenses are on track and explainable. Two funds are over budget at that point, the O and M and Fire/Safety. Superintendent Kashner explained that this was due to building costs coming in this fiscal year for next year's projects. The BOE also approved building usage and field trips.
Superintendent Report
No additional items were shared.
Personnel and Job Vacancies
Approval of the following:
- Maternity Leave: Sara McAuliffe for Chelsea Hasken
- Intent to Retire: Rachel Todd (Conclusion of the 2025-2026 School Year)
- Postings: Homebound Tutor and Custodial Positions
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301