The Boeckman Buzz
December 15th, 2024
A Note from Principal Sage
BMS Families,
As winter break approaches, I find myself reflecting on the incredible year we've had at BMS. Our learners have continued to amaze us with their achievements, both inside and outside the classroom. This year has been filled with milestones and moments that showcase the very best of our school community. From academic growth to athletic accomplishments, creative projects, and acts of kindness, our students have consistently demonstrated what it means to embody our core values of integrity, responsibility, and compassion.
These values are the foundation of who we are at BMS, and seeing them in action every day fills us with pride and gratitude. It’s truly a privilege to serve as Principal and to witness the remarkable growth of our learners. Thank you for being such an essential part of our learning community!
This week, our Parent Ambassadors are planning a special treat to spread holiday cheer to our hardworking staff. Be sure to check out their message below for details.
A quick note: there will not be a parent newsletter during the winter break.
Our entire BMS team will miss our learners during the break and hope they enjoy time with family and friends. Wishing all our families a joyous holiday season and a happy New Year!
-Joe Sage, Principal
BMS Staff Member of the Week - Kelsey Amundson
We are thrilled to recognize Kelsey Amundson, an exceptional 7th-grade math teacher at BMS! Kelsey is a true leader in our building, inspiring learners and staff alike with her dedication, expertise, and passion for teaching. She goes above and beyond to make math engaging and meaningful for her learners, fostering a desire to learn and grow.
Thank you, Kelsey, for the incredible impact you have on our school community!
A Message from our Parent Ambassadors
Hello BMS Families,
Boeckman Middle School is excited for year three of our Parent Ambassador group! We are a group of parents who are excited to help put support behind teacher appreciation and student celebration throughout the school. We also work closely with the BMS administration to discuss and provide feedback on things happening at school. We will have two more meetings this year. They will take place on January 28th and April 1st. We will provide more information as we get closer to the date.
The parent ambassadors group is a 501 c3. In summary, this allows us to collect donations and operate as a separate financial entity that can provide support to our school! Our Parent Ambassadors group will work closely with BMS administration and leadership to listen to formal requests about how this money can be used.
One of our favorite tasks is spreading holiday cheer among our teachers and staff!
We are asking for donations in either the form of a $20-ish gift card from a general local business, restaurants, or retailer to be dropped off in the BMS office by Friday, December 13th. Or let us do the shopping for you! A cash/check donation of any amount can be dropped off in the BMS office addressed to Boeckman Parent Ambassadors or a VENMO donation to Boeckman Middle School Parent Ambassadors. You can find our VENMO account by searching @BoeckmanParentAmbassadors.
If you have any questions or are interested in helping with the behind-the-scenes distribution, please feel free to email boeckmanparents@gmail.com. Thank you in advance for supporting our schools and teachers!
New Staff Spotlight: Terry Ronayne!
Please join me in welcoming Terry Ronayne to the BMS family as a new ML teacher. Terry will be split between BMS and ARES. We look forward to all of the great contributions Terry will bring to our team!
Kindergarten Enrollment Now Open for 2025!
In Farmington Area Public Schools, kindergarten provides a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment for learners to think creatively and critically while growing their knowledge and skills. We are excited to welcome the next class of kindergarten learners and their families to our school community.
Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open! To complete enrollment and prepare for kindergarten, please visit bit.ly/kindergarten-enrollment. If you have any questions, please call our enrollment office at 651-463-5052. We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2038 to our Tiger Community!
Winter Weather Information
As the weather cools down and we head into the winter months, please take a moment to review our important winter weather information here: https://ow.ly/sP1h50TZJzA
Ensure you have a plan for all possible emergency closure situations (late start, early release, or flexible learning day) and that your contact information is up to date with your child’s school
Mental Health Minute
Grief and the Holidays
- Acknowledge your feelings: Don't stuff your emotions; embrace your feelings and give space for your grief and for processing unpredictable feelings that my catch your unaware. Allow yourself to feel your feelings and get ride of guilt for not having "holiday cheer."
- Take care of yourself: Be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself, and set realistic expectations for yourself and the holiday season. Be sure to have back-up skills for coping with particularly difficult grief triggers.
- Lost loved ones: Holidays without loved ones can be particularly difficult, so take the time to grieve. Share memories of those loved ones with others, honor their memory with holding space for them within your holiday traditions, or create a tribute to them to share with others.
- Connect: Ask for help, seek support, or even volunteer to connect with others.
Anxiety and Depression and the the Holidays
- Set realistic expectations: Lessen the pressure for the "perfect" holiday. Give yourself permission to say no to events, not bake all the items, not buy all the items, and not decorate all the spaces. You don't have to do all the things!
- Manage your schedule: Avoid overcommitting to holiday events and interactions; set boundaries around how much you take on to limit overwhelming feelings or to consider your social battery levels. Take time for yourself to rest, relax, and restore.
- Prioritize self-care: Maintain a healthy routine and practice relaxation techniques (like deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness, or progressive muscle relaxation) to reduce anxiety or stress. Engage in enjoyable activities to boost your mood for decreasing depression.
- Reframe: Take time to reflect, enjoy, and reevaluate the purpose of the holiday season. Practice gratitude, engage in acts of kindness and give unto others. Taking a step back and thinking through the "why" can help you to slow it down and prioritize what's important about the holiday season.
Middle School Ski and Snowboard Trip
Register at https://tce.me/iRfrF4.
Important Dates
December 16.........................................End of Quinmester 2
December 23-January 3.......................NO SCHOOL
January 14.............................................Choir Concerts
January 16.............................................Choir Concerts
January 20.............................................NO SCHOOL
Boeckman Middle School Hours
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
PBIS at Boeckman Middle School
Useful Phone Numbers
School: 651-460-1400
Nurse: 651-460-1406
Food Service: 651-460-3820
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1510
School Athletics: 651-252-2514
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
About us
The mission of BMS, a learner-centered community committed to personalization that nurtures curiosity, to ensure each learner exercises ownership for continuous personal growth to have a positive impact on themselves and their communities through:
Honoring uniqueness and valuing diverse experiences
Safe and empathetic environments that foster authentic relationships
Nurturing joy and well-being
Mistakes and reflection as essential components of learning
Partnering with our communities
Email: Jsage@farmington.k12.mn.us
Website: https://bms.farmington.k12.mn.us/
Location: 800 Denmark Avenue, Farmington, MN, USA
Phone: 651-460-1400
Facebook: facebook.com/boeckmantigers
Twitter: @BoeckmanTigers