The Riverside Squawker
April 23, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
April 26th at 2:30 - 1st and 2nd grade music program
April 29th at 5:00 - City Track meet at East Junior High
April 30th at 4:00 pm - PTO general meeting for all parents
May 9th at 2:30 - 5th and 6th Grade Music Program
May 14th at 2:30 - Band/Orchestra/Choir Concert
May 17th (Early Release - 1:45) - Field Day (Still need parent volunteers - information below)
May 23rd (Early Release - 1:45) - Last day of the school year
Field Day Volunteers on May 17th
On May 17th in the morning, we will be having all our students participate in Field Day. We still need some parent volunteers, if you have time please sign up on this link -https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BA9AA29AAF8C70-48530856-riverside
Please reach out if you have any questions
Dr. Taylor
Class Placement Form for Next School Year
Hello 2024 - 2025 Riverside Families,
It's time to start thinking of class placements for our next school year. Classroom placement at Riverside Elementary is a team effort involving the classroom teachers, parents, teacher specialists, counselor, and principal. We invest considerable time and effort into developing classroom groupings that balance the needs of individual students with the needs of all students. Many factors are considered in the decision making process. These factors include:
- Developing classes that reflect the full range of academic abilities
- Distributing the number of students equally within each grade level classroom
- Balancing the number of boys and girls
- Considering the needs of dependent and independent workers
- Maintaining equal distribution of students who might have a positive or negative influence on other students
- Parent input based on unique social or academic needs
The information parents provide is an important factor in class placement. Please fill out this Google Form to provide parental input regarding your child's strengths, challenges and needs.
Please note: We are not able to honor requests for specific teachers. All information provided is taken into account and utilized in the placement process. Input forms must be submitted on or before April 26, 2024
Dr. Chris Taylor
Principal, Riverside Elementary School
Lost & Found
Starting next week, all lost and found items will be at the front entrance for parents to come look through. We have MANY coats, gloves, hats, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc. As always, writing your student's name (or initials) on these items is helpful for us to return the missing items to your students quickly. Thank you so much for your help with this!
Perseverance/Growth Mindset Assembly
On Tuesday, April 23rd, Riverside will be having an assembly that focuses on the learning disposition we are working on this month - perseverance. The NED group will be putting on this assembly and also offering a sale of yo-yos for the rest of the week. All the information is below.
Save the Date - May 14th Parent Event
Please join us on Tuesday, May 14th from 6:00-7:30PM at Dallas Harris Elementary School for an exciting digital educational event. Parenting in the digital age takes time, effort and courage. Katey McPherson, National Internet Safety Expert and Licensed Counselor from Arizona, along with Dr. Megan Smith, founder of Boise’s Communities for Youth and Professor at Boise State University, will join together to talk about “How to Reach, Teach and Support iGeneration Youth”. They will be sharing real life tips, strategies and applications to help our youth navigate the digital age safely.
This is a free educational event for adults with kids of all ages, as well as kids ages 12+ are invited to attend. Please RSVP through this link (5/14 RSVP) or the QR code on the flyer. Childcare will be provided at Dallas Harris, if needed (please register to ensure there is space).
I hope you can make it on 5/14 at Dallas Harris as we gather together as a community of parents, educators and other caring adults who want to help guide our youth safely in this digital world.
Dr. Chris Taylor
Pride of the Pack Flag Football Tournamant
Dear athletes and parents,
Join us for Timberline Quadrant’s first annual flag football tournament!! With teams from Dallas Harris, Garfield, Liberty, Riverside, Trailwind and Whitepine. Teams will practice at their home elementary after school the week of May 13th-17th. The tournament will take place on May 18th at East Junior High and will consist of a team tournament, Punt Pass and Kick competition, and an awards ceremony. We are excited for this new tradition and to work with the talented youth in our area!
Pride of the Pack Flag Football Tournament
Ages: Current 5th and 6th graders
Registration: https://forms.gle/Rt9ovFLXj3CJw6XB8
Dates: Practice- May 13th-17th (afterschool) | Tournament- May 18th
We hope everyone can join us! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Coach Smart
Counselor's Corner
Upcoming Events:
1) National Alliance on Mental Illness Basics online class - Information
2) Family to Family free course (either in person or online) - Information
As always, please feel free to reach out to meet with any questions or concerns!
Timberline Wolves Basketball Camp
Dear Parents and future Lady Wolves:
My name is Andy Jones, and I am the coach for the varsity team at Timberline High School. You are the future of the program here at Timberline, and with that in mind I will be conducting a basketball camp this summer. Camp will be held May 28th through May 30th, at Timberline High School. We will conduct two sessions. Session one for incoming 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade girls, and session two for incoming 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls. Session one will be 10am-12pm, and Session two will be 1-4pm. Session 1 will be $50 per camper. Session 2 will be $75 per camper. Every girl will receive a t-shirt. Session 1: This camp will teach basic skills in a fun filled environment working on developing a love for the game while at the same time improving camper’s basketball abilities. Campers will receive individualized instruction based on ability level by both coaches and current players to maximize improvement. Session 2: This camp will continue to improve on skills taught in session 1 camps but add in additional competitive situations in which campers can improve their skills and compete against each other in drills and games. If you have any questions regarding the camp, feel free to contact me by cell phone (208) 590-1424. My e-mail is andrew.jones@boiseschools.org.
Thanks, Andy Jones Head Girls Basketball Coach Timberline High School Please make checks payable to Timberline High School, and return the below portion to your school office or bring it with you to camp on the first day.
Summer Programs at Riverside
Riverside Elementary will be offering two amazing summer programs for our students in June and July this year. Please check out the details below and reach out to the front office if you have any questions:
1) Summer Robotics Camp for students in 4th, 5th or 6th grade. Registration at this link.
2) Chinese Summer Camp for students in 1st - 6th grade. Flyer below will more information
Riverside Cell Phone Policy
Riverside is asking that students do not have phones out on school grounds before or during school. Students are allowed to keep their cell phones in their backpacks during the day. Thanks for your support on this issue.
Riverside Elementary
Website: https://riverside.boiseschools.org/
Location: 2100 E Victory Rd, Boise, ID 83706, USA
Phone: (208) 854-5980
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiversideFalcons/
Twitter: @riversidebsd