The Frank Church Statesman
August/September 2024
Principal's Corner
On behalf of the Frank Church staff I would like to thank you for a your patience and support during the start of the 2024-2025 school year. This is a exciting time for our school. We are dedicated to creating a positive environment where students can thrive. We are also putting an emphasis on preparing each student for college or career after high school. The students at Frank Church are amazing, and we are looking forward to a great school year.
Important Dates
August 23rd
School Picture Day
September 2nd
No School - Labor Day
September 12th
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 3rd
10th & 11th Graders
October 10th & 11th
End of 1st Quarter Testing
October 14th
Beginning of 2nd Quarter
October 18th
No School
Keep In Contact
Parents - Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging: The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging for parents/guardians. Learn more and sign-up.
Non-Parents - Mobile App Available: Boise School District has a mobile app to improve communication to you. The app offers emergency alerts and is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Annual Notification Regarding Public Release of Student Directory Information
The Boise School District complies with federal law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) as it relates to the release of student directory information to the public. To learn more, log on to www.boiseschools.org and navigate to Parents & Patrons > Parent Information > FERPA Form. Or, please call the Clerk of the Board at 208-854-4123 to obtain a copy of the FERPA form.
From the Nurse
Parental Action Required: Due to Changes in Idaho Law
Parents are encouraged to login to Infinite Campus as soon as possible and update the following information:
The Idaho Legislature has created two new laws that impact your child's experience at school. Both laws necessitate parents taking action by logging into the parent portal of Infinite Campus, and selecting Annual Update to provide consent for:
Boise School District staff to provide health care to your child, including basic first aid
Use of a nickname that you would like your child to go by at school.
For more information on each new law and the resulting changes, please read below.
Senate Bill 1329 Parental rights and medical decision-making
As of July 1, 2024, the Idaho Legislature now requires parental consent before non-life threatening medical services can be provided to minors. This includes:
Routine first aid
Over-the-counter headache medications
Mental health check-ins
A complete list is available under Idaho Code 32-1015.
While the Boise School District is not a health care provider in general, and does not diagnose medical conditions, we do provide services that are covered by the new law.
The statute states that any time an "individual" provides "a service" for the screening, examination, prevention, treatment, cure, care, or relief of any physical or mental health condition, illness, injury, defect, or disease, parental consent must first be received.
Parental consent is not necessary when the provision of care is necessary to prevent death or imminent, irreparable physical injury to the minor child, or after a reasonably diligent effort, a nurse cannot locate or contact a parent or guardian and the minor child's life or health would be seriously endangered by further delay in the furnishing of health care services.
St. Luke's Mobile Care
St. Luke's mobile clinic will visit Frank Church High School every Tuesday from 12:00pm to 3:00pm.
This is an opportunity for students to be evaluated and treated with minimal interruption to their school day or parents’ workday.
Examples of services available: immunizations, sports physicals, behavioral/mental health needs, acute health screenings
For questions, please contact the school nurse at (208) 854-5668 or St. Luke's Mobile care at (208) 706-6457.
Parking Permits
All students parking vehicles in the FCHS parking lot are required to have a parking permit.
- Permits are $10.00.
- See Ms. Allen to get your parking permit before you get a ticket.
School Events & Clubs
School Picture Day
Friday, Aug 23, 2024, 09:00 AM
FCHS In- House Room
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be September 12, 2024 from 4PM-7PM here at Frank Church High School. We are excited to meet all of our Frank Church families! We hope to see you all there. Follow the link for more information: https://secure.smore.com/n/hxzgf
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 04:00 PM
Frank Church High School, South Milwaukee Lane, Boise, ID, USA
Guided Meditation
Come to the Community Center Monday and Friday at 8:30-8:40 for 10 minute guided meditation, a pause in your day. EVERYONE (staff and students) is welcome!
Weightlifting Club
Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:20-4:30 in Frank Church weight room.
Every week students come together to grow in their physical and mental strength. Weightlifting Club is designed to help any student who wants to learn to lift, to practice, and create a healthy gym community.
Frank Church Green Team
Open to all students with an interest in the environment and helping make our school a more sustainable place. Students who are interested in joining the Green Team can see Mrs. Pacold or their counselor to enroll in our Pathways Green Team class. Projects in the past have included gardening, indoor plants, and energy conservation.
Thank you to the Assistance League of Boise for their continued support.
Operation School Supplies (OSS) is a philanthropic program of Assistance League of Boise (ALB). OSS has been providing school supplies to the children of Ada County since 1996. This year we are able to provide number elementary, middle, junior high, charter and alternative schools with over $55,000 worth of school supplies. The over 11,000 students selected by school counselors or teachers will receive supplies which include crayons, erasers, pencils, pens, glue sticks, rulers, notebook paper, spiral notebooks, paints, felt markers, and colored pencils, and other items.
ALB is a member of National Assistance League and we are an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that puts caring and commitment into action through philanthropic projects in Ada County. Other ALB programs include: Operation School Bell, Teen Retail, History in the Bown House, Cinderella’s Closet, Project Hearing, Baby Bundles, and Empowering Youth.
Funds for our programs come from community donations, private contributions, grants, and the operation of the ALB Thrift Shop at 5825 Glenwood Avenue. The public is invited to visit our Thrift Shop, and to support our programs by donating good quality used clothing and small household items.
Assistance League of Boise
P.O. Box 140104,
Boise, ID 83714
208 377-4327