Reardan Weekly
December 13, 2024
We had the absolute BEST winter concert this week! Special thanks to our awesome music director, Billy Taylor, who has helped our music program make tremendous progress since he joined us in the fall of 2023. We are so excited to see great support from our music booster parents and our entire community. The students sounded incredible from grades five all the way to our High School Band. The concert is available on the Reardan FaceBook page by clicking on the Winter Concert post. You can also hear our band students as they play during our high school basketball games this season. Come and join the fun!
The Strategic Planning Committee made up of students, staff, community members, parents, and board members continues to meet with a goal of finalizing a plan on January 9th. Upon completion, this plan will be presented to the School Board.
Elementary Highlights
Elementary Winter Concert - Wednesday, December 18, 1:30-2:30pm for grades K-4 and 5th and 6th grade choirs. The concert will be held in Smith Gym.
December 20th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed for the holiday break at 11:30 AM, returning on Tuesday, January 7th.
First graders got nutty! They made 40 Lifesize nutcrackers.
This week, Ms. Whitfield’s 2nd graders teamed up with high school shop students to work on some fun, top-secret holiday projects! They’ll be continuing this exciting collaboration through next week, working hard to have everything ready in time for the upcoming holiday.
Next Week is Elementary Holiday Spirit Week
Junior Cheer Camp Registration!
Middle School Highlights
Middle School students are having a great time participating in Winterfest Spirit Week and completing their Kindness Bingo Cards. We will celebrate our awesome Middle School students on Friday, December 20th (an early release day) with our end of the month awards focusing on the character trait of Kindness. Students who have completed their Kindness Bingo Cards and have no office referrals will then stay for sugar cookie decorating, hot cocoa or cider, and a fun holiday movie. Thank you parents for helping your child complete acts of kindness this month!
Middle school students are really making progress in their art skills! This year’s eighth graders are in their second year of art, and you can really see their improvement. They have moved from pencil shading into paint colors and shading while they work on completing their latest projects. In the future we hope to add even more art classes to our program. Elective classes like art and music are supported by levy dollars, and we are so thankful to our Reardan Community for supporting them.
High School Highlights
Dear Parents of Students in Extracurricular Athletics and Activities,
This is a friendly reminder about the Athletic and Activity Code regarding attendance:
To participate in a practice, game, or activity on a given day, a student must be present at school for the entire day.
Absences and Participation:
- If a student is absent for one or more periods on the day of a contest or practice, they will not be allowed to participate unless the absence is excused.
- A participant who is too ill to attend school is considered not physically fit to compete, protecting their health and the well-being of others, including students, coaches, and advisors.
Excused Absences:
- All absences must be pre-arranged to be excused.
- Examples include (but are not limited to) appointments (dentist, doctor, chiropractor), cultural or religious observances, or family traditions.
- Pre-arranged absences must be communicated ahead of time to the office—not on the morning of the absence.
Unexcused Absences:
- These can be appealed to the principal.
- The athletic director and principal will have the final say on whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
Thank you for ensuring your student adheres to these guidelines. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to the office.
JoLynn Ray - Principal
Kenton Clairmont - Athletic Director
Upcoming Activities:
- 12/20 Early Release for Winter Break
- 1/7 Students back to school
Students enjoying a lunch hosted by the Presbyterian church
Options Program Highlights
Winter Celebration
If you haven't already done so, don't forget to sign up for our Winter Celebration for all Options students and families on December 19, 2024 from 12:00 - 3:00pm. We want to celebrate you! Please RSVP here. We will still have enrichment classes on this day which will also include the celebration.
Important Reminder:
MPR forms need to be completed by the 16th of December.
End of Semester
The end of 1st semester is January 24th! If you are considering joining the Options program please reach out to us ASAP by completing the "Interest Form" here.
Enrichment Class
Fun things are happening in the "Blow It Up" enrichment class taught by facilitator, Jenny Sobotta. In this exciting science class, students are exploring the fascinating world of explosions and reactions.
Athletic Department
We have some new signs that will be placed in the Elementary drop-off loop reserving spots for those who need the opportunity to park closer to the doors for special events at the school, starting with the game against Davenport tonight.
Nutrition Services
Lots of fun has been happening in the Commons during lunch. A huge THANKS to Ford Main Farm for supplying beef for our latest Farm to Table program.
Transportation Highlights
Route 7: Edwall (Cat bus)
Bus driver: Mark Kalous
Favorite food: Steak (medium rare)
Favorite color: Light blue
Job wanted as a child: Pilot
Hobbies: Wood working
Route win: Kids like the different style bus they are on.
Route facts: Average of 20 students ride every day for a total of 104 miles
Favorite part of being a bus driver: Watching the kids grow up
Health Corner
Lincoln County Health Dept. and Range Community Clinic are partnering together to bring the Reardan community a flu vaccine clinic on December 19th. See flyer for more details.
Our final blood drive of the year is on Thursday December 19th and we need your help to reach our goal of 80 units for 2024!! We are just 13 units away so please sign up today and help save lives this holiday season!!
Counseling Corner
Scholarship Opportunity!
At Inland Power we understand the importance of people helping people and serving our membership. One way we show support to the communities we serve is through the Inland Power Community Foundation Scholarship Program. Each year the Foundation distributes 15 - $1,000 scholarships to Inland Power members and their children who have plans to continue their education at college or trade school.
This year, the application process is already underway! We are now accepting scholarship applications until Dec. 31, 2024. Applications received by the deadline will be reviewed in Jan. 2025 and recipients will be notified in Feb. 2025.
To learn more and view an application, please visit inlandpower.com/scholarships.
Employment Opportunities
The Reardan-Edwall School District does not endorse any activities or opportunities from groups not directly connected to the school district.